3 reviews liked by Lazyjoestar

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Despite being just as competent as the first game, 2 doesn't quite reach the same emotional highs since the character motivations all stand on shaky ground outside of the first case.
It's not a huge step down, I'd still give DR2 a 9.5, but it's a very OBVIOUS 9.5 when looking at the first game.
Without getting too deep into spoilers, the motivations the killers in this game have are far less stable than those found in the first game. This results in cases that aren't quite as engaging by the time they come around to ending, and this extends even as far as the game's final chapter.

I have yet to mention the gameplay changes to DR2, and this is mostly because they serve to VERY minimally affect the game's score. Any changes made to mechanics like white noise or the new bullet time battle are marginal. New mechanics like showdowns and logic dives are neutral in how they affect the gameplay, but go towards DR2's feeling of being overstuffed with mechanics. And in the worst case scenario, the laughably named Improved Hangman's Gambit is just straight up terrible.

Danganronpa 2 is still a fantastic game mind you, but when I say that the game is a 9.5 out of 10, just know that's upon further deliberation, a final score would more likely be a 9 than a 10.

Danganronpa V3 is a very good correction from DR2 in terms of quality. From having slightly better mini games to having a higher quality of cases on the whole, and even small things like the upgrade to presentation from being on a console and presumably a higher budget, V3 is a much more satisfying experience.
Honestly, there isn't much left for me to say after my DR1 and 2 reviews. V3 shares so many of the same highs and lows that the only comments I have left are story specific, which I won't spoil.
And if you've heard of this game's infamous ending, all I'll say is that I don't think the situation is anywhere NEAR as bad as people make it out to be.

Danganronpa has made me seriously consider the worth of a visual novel as a video game. On the pessimistic side, my opinion of games such as the Ace Attorney series have soured now that I know visual novels can be far more than glorified movies with point-and-click elements.
But as you can probably tell from my score, this is a VERY good thing for Danganronpa. The class trials have so many elements to them that you'll still get introduced to new mechanics into the second to last chapter. These all exist to engage you with the material and actually feel like you're playing a video GAME as the story plays out.
And speaking of the story, it's incredibly good. Obviously I won't be spoiling anything here, but know that this game puts a lot of work into properly pacing its story elements across its runtime, making the climaxes as satisfying as they are.