If you take just the story out, and are a Borderlands fan, this is an enjoyable entry. It fleshes out some characters and gives good backstory to the events of BL2. However, the gameplay I think is some of the worst the series has offered.

On the surface the idea of low grav SHOULD be fun, but they made the maps so damn big and constantly force you to backtrack on them to the point of pure monotony. Also changing the loot system so that many legendaries dont have dedicated loot sources means that you could easily get to the final boss without a single legendary. You know, the thing that makes a looter shooter like this fun?

I was excited to go for the 100% on this game, but after having done it, I can definitively say its my least favorite game in the series by far.

Just... One... More... turn...

Tactical turn based combat at its best. Between the highest of highs blasting away those xenos to the lowest of lows losing your best squadmates to that 99% miss chance. I sincerely hope we get more games in the series. Also a great selection of mods give this game bonus points.

It can get memed on now for not being the most complex game out there, but man, Skyrim is such an iconic game, that just sticks out from rest. Nowadays its cozy to return to it. Its nothing crazy, but it just feels -nice- to play sometimes. And the addition of thousands of mods can make any new playthrough feel like a new experience.

There is a lot wrong with this game, no question. Between performance issues and the grindiness of it, theres a lot to not like. But - playing in a private server with friends with some of the more grindy settings cranked up, it can be a blast. Its an exceptionally pretty game at the end of the day, and its a ton of fun getting to interact with the dinos. Plus theres a dedicated poop button, so thats nice.

I think this may be one of the best games of all time, solely for the unforgettable stories that emerge from it. There's a reason it is described as a storytelling simulator almost more so than a game. It has those dwarf fortress vibes but in a more digestible form in my opinion, and the modding community for the game is incredible. If you've never played this game, you owe it to yourself to try it just once.

While the mechanics and gameplay are simple, this game is such a great encapsulation of what makes roguelikes fun. The amount of stuff in this game is staggering, and with the new 3.0 release on steam, I've found myself not wanting to play anything else.

Such a fun game to play with friends. Your first experience will be the scariest, and then it just becomes absolutely hilarious. Playing with in game voice chat and hearing your friend let out a scream and get cut off will never not be funny. Add mods to the equation and it makes a game that I will certainly return to again and again


A great cozy game about breeding bees. One of those games I will come back to every major update and sink a day or two into. The only drawback is the menus being a bit janky.

One of the most fun sports adjacent games I've played in a long time. The skill floor to enjoy the game is so low that anyone can have fun, but the skill ceiling is so insanely high that watching someone do aerial tricks over you will make you want to uninstall. Have not played in quite some time, as it felt like I hit my skill cap, but can never recommend the game enough for a fun time with friends.

I love that games like this can exist. Just the weirdest possible experience that is almost impossible to explain.


For its time it was THE quintessential co-op puzzle game to play, and for good reason. While not particularly challenging, this game will have you and your co-op partners laughing, and yelling, with each other for the entire runtime, which is admittingly quite short.

Fantastic story that will probably make you cry. I mean yes there's boobs, but that's not the point I promise.

Certainly not a bad city builder by any means, but overall it does not have much staying power. Once I mastered it, I had little to no interest in returning. It does have a fair amount of charm though!

It is exactly what it was supposed to be. A great remaster of a beloved old school RPG. While there's a ton of substance to the game in general, it's a classic for a reason. Sometimes you just want to play a simple RPG where you fight monsters and level up. This is that game.