Fuck it i thought it was fun. Motion control can be fun if you don't have a worm in your ear telling you that thats the reason you suck at the game

100% this on Wii U may seem psychotic but the Gamepad controlls were goated and im not gonna lie about it

This went so crazy but Im sad to report that this vibe did not cary over to 3 for me

I do remember enjoying the approximately 3 minutes i played

Honestly do not gaf that this is 50$ cause if they didnt release this i would have probably never played them. This is not like when sony releases tlou for the 25th time on a console that is fully capable of playing the other 24 versions

Pikmin has seriously become one of my new favorite IPs and this one was the last one i needed to play to finish them all ( minus pikmin on 3ds naturally)

When i first got a DS in 2007 i emphasized how much i wanted mario and my mom bought this

First time playing this on pc after being painfully aware of the cursed gamecube controls for years hit so very different

Really wanted to finish this but I could not for the life of me get out of that burning building and the more I tried the more motionsick Id get the more I suffered until the game won

Someone needs to study the impact this game had on the reception of the year 2016 because shit was lovely

I was severely addicted to this for several weeks and for a while if i heard “Last Christmas” my fingers would twitch