Wasn't vibing with it after the first hour

Lowkey this was either a hidden gem or i was insanely delirious

Every kid in 2006 had this. peak parenting

Got this game as a kid and vividly remember being too stupid for this game

Vividly remember playing this game in misery when i was 12 because I can not make decisions without overthinking to save my life

Could not care less about the cat feature

Makes you hope the curtain matches the drapes cause im a carpet muncher

This was crazy for one reason and one reason only, putting animal crossing in a direct made people loose it because people expect new animal crossing on new hardware. But all they gave us was this. It was mortifying and one of the greatest stunts they ever pulled

You just had to be there in march 2020

Close enough to the original to scratch that itch but new enough to feel fresh. This makes me wanna bark

Make consoles have preinstalled stuff again

Played this on the bus and truly thought this was illegal material

As a dumb child this was fire but i should probably never go back to see if it was actually playable