The Wolf Among Us is a classic Telltale game. The developers innovated with a genre that lets the player decide the main character's decisions and how it changes the story, and it's no different here.

Telltale did a great job with the first season of The Walking Dead and tried to use the same mechanics with other franchises, such as Batman and Back to the Future. Almost all of them were not as good as their first hit, but The Wolf Among Us is one of the exceptions.

The Wolf Among Us has one of the best stories of a Telltale game. You play as a detective werewolf who lives in a society of fairy tale creatures trying to hide in the normal world. There is a mystery going on that you have to solve. How will you do that? By choosing the right dialogue options and deciding correctly where you will investigate.

There is almost nothing of traditional gameplay here. The only action segments are quick time events. You only control the character in a small scenarios and walk through the places to find points of interest.

I had a bad performance playing on my PlayStation Vita. I know it's not the best version of the game, but it's pretty common to see bugs and frame drops in Telltale games, even on the most powerful hardware.

It's a beautiful game for its time. The developers tried to simulate a comic book visual and did a great job, even with the performance issues.

If you like good narratives, The Wolf Among Us is a great game for you. I don't recommend it if you are not a fan of slow and narrative-driven games.

Reviewed on May 18, 2023


11 months ago

Comecei esse ontem, não estou nem nada metade e pra mim já é melhor jogo da Telltale que já joguei.

11 months ago

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11 months ago

@j4ckshow Você já teve uma experiencia diferente de mim. Comecei a jogar pela primeira tem alguns anos e não curti. Depois, peguei novamente para jogar esse ano e foi melhor.
Agora, acho The Walking Dead bem melhor! haha =)

11 months ago

@LeonardoMF93 Achei muito imersivo o universo do game. Fora que o clima de investigação é muito bom, os plots são legais e a ideia das fábulas é genial.

11 months ago

@j4ckshow Isso ele é realmente! O clima de investigação é legal mas acho que você poderia ter mais participação nisso. Os personagens são bem legais mesmo. Agora, eu achei ele sem polimento. Não sei aonde você jogou mas no Vita foi complicado...