Log Status






Time Played

57h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 14, 2019

Platforms Played


Trails in the Sky FC is the first in a now dozen game series. As such, much of the work done in FC is laying the foundation for the future entries to come. For the most part, FC plays as a slow burn slice of life anime straight from the 90s. The charming OST combined with the comfy world design makes you feel at home here. There is so much detail in this game and the series as a whole that should grip any JRPG lover and get them hooked. It's one of the weakest entries in the series from what I've played so far, which is a compliment given how good this game is. Enable turbo mode so you don't fall asleep from how slow the game is and I can assure you you'll get hooked on Trails like I did back in 2019.