now dating with the girls feels even more romantic than the vanilla one yay

I only play P5 just for the girls but the game was fun

Hifumi and Futaba best waifu


good game

I laugh my ass off while playing this shit

imagine doing a genocide and then the killer just goes "but first I'm gonna ride this train"

I like my chicken when I eat it but I also like my chicken when they can fight with gunzz too

I played like 7x or more (i think) just to date all the girls

the game that introduce me into JRPGS and then falling in love with the genre, I remember playing this when I was still a kid and saw the advertisement of this game with the screenshot of the protagonist with the umbrella on game magazine, dunno why it spark my interest to play this game but I did and love the hell out of it.

also Yukiko best waifu

my heart burst out from my chest and then launch into the mars

This game is bad like REALLY bad. Just play the first Kane & Lynch and forget about this game PERIOD!

the last mission was just pain PURE PAIN