It's fun playing as Ada but I wish they'd given her more to do besides basically follow Leon around and save his himbo butt

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Can't wait for Alan to betray everyone and use the behelit to ascend to godhood in Alan Wake III


If a game could be Alex-core, this would be it.

A brief but fun plaformer, largely held together by a lot of charm and having to run through levels that change each time as you build skills and find new ways to get collectibles, more coins etc.

It's not reinventing the wheel but I enjoyed my time with it a lot, the script is really funny and it can probably be completed in an afternoon unless you want to 100% it. Also, it has the same ending as Space Funeral basically.

A fascinating, visually stunning, lonely game that's identity shifts and reforms over the 12-15 hours of playtime, starting off primarily as an exploration game with some combat and shifting that balance more and more as the hours continue. Only really let down by its underwhelming final hour and some of the boss battles, which end up more frustrating than fun (although the majority of them are excellent).

The sense of style and speed in this game is incredible, like a modern day Umihara Kawase with the speedrun tech built in. Will be going back to this at some stage to beat my times and the bonus levels unlocked after the ending. Some people are going to be irked by how short it is but I feel like it doesn't give a chance for things to get stale.

Also, now I want a Mochi plushie you can velcro to stuff and pretend she's swinging around!

Also, I played this on Steam btw! I had to pick Switch 'cause it was the only platform listed on here but it's been on Steam since before Christmas.

My first DNF of 2022, I'm only writing this to say that what I did play I enjoyed but that the pathing completely lost me after you come to a big clearing. Wandered around to no effect for 15 minutes in the woods without finding the next lamp so decided to call it quits. Would like to give it another go at some stage and actually give it a rating.

Played this with the Linkle mod installed, which was a delight:

The only thing I can really knock it for is searching for the Triforce pieces, (which kid me ended up shelving the game over and never finishing lol) which still drags out what feels like a relatively tight game as far as Zelda games go.

I'll log Face of the Killer on here once it's been added but considering it's only out today, it might take a few weeks.

Going to use this instead as a forum to collect my thoughts on the series as a whole. It's incredible that although my ratings for each of the games can vary wildly, the inventiveness of these games has only ever increased from entry to entry. The ways in which takes things to the maximalist endpoint in the final entry is something to behold and feels fitting for a series largely critiquing capitalism's approach to wringing every cent out of trends and movements. The series mirrors this by having callbacks to previous entries but in increasingly more horrific and irreverent circumstances until the series devours itself and presents a mish mash of what's come before...up to a point. Again, these games iterate on each other and every time you feel like they've explored every avenue of this concept, things are turned on their head. It's a testament to thecatamites' creativity that he managed to get nine games worth of story from BB the zine detective, and have each of them feel so fresh and without anything else like them in video games.

All that to say, I'm excited to play all of these again when Anthology of the Killer drops next month.

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Those fucking mannequins

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Louie is the Griffith of this series