2 Reviews liked by Lexmo

A legendary parody of Metal Gear Solid that surely ranks up there as one of the funniest games ever made. Few games have communicated comedy through their gameplay mechanics as effectively as killing Revolver Ocelot in about 5 seconds by just going into first person mode and shooting him.

Yeah, obviously it's not the way you should play Metal Gear Solid, because it isn't Metal Gear Solid. It's The Twin Snakes. And it's hysterical.

The cutscenes especially are absolutely incredible. If you complain about Snake surfing on a missile you are factually a loser I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you

The concept of the depths were very exciting to me but once I explored it and realised there is nothing there all of the charm and magic of the game disappeared. The building mechanics are cool and exciting at first too, thinking of all the stuff you could do with them until you realise the game never challenges you to think outside the box with anything. An empty canvas is boring and bland , back me into a corner and make me think and something interesting might happen. I hated the Divine Beast dungeons in BotW and the dungeons in this one are as bad/worse, an exercise in tedium.