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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 16, 2022

Platforms Played


I was interested in this game for a couple reasons

1. I find that fugly 3D-DS model aesthetic nostalgically charming
2. Good word of mouth
3. Short games aren't really my thing and I wanted to expand my horizons a little bit.

Sure enough, I beat the whole thing in the span of no more than 2 hours, and I did a lot. It's a simple, cute, enjoyable adventure about exploring this island, playing a bunch of minigames, talking to some funny animal crossing-esque characters, and finally making it up to the top and seeing that gorgeous view. My squirrel brain was satisfied by always having something interesting to explore but never being led too far from the main objective that I felt overwhelmed or like I wasn't making progress. It was two hours well spent.