1 review liked by Lightbrand

There's genuinely nothing funny I could say about Thracia, or anything that hasn't already been said about it that would do it justice. There's no other FE game that matches its raw gameplay integrity and absolutely genius ideas, with Genealogy at least coming in close second. For every bullshit thing the game throws at you, the game gives you quadruple the amount of bullshit to use against the enemy - like there are so many brave and master weapons and staves that basically get handed to you on a silver platter, and while there are a few chapters that are trial and error, actually figuring them out genuinely feels so good - no other Fire Emblem game gives me this much dopamine. Hell, I made a long ass text file documenting my experiences with the game, going in depth on every strategy I utilised in every chapter and giving pointers and advice that either myself or someone else could use whenever they decide to play. I think it's worth mentioning that this is the first time a game has compelled me to do something like this.

Thracia is oppressive as all hell, both through its story and every facet of its gameplay. Leif and his band are constantly on the run, being hounded by the empire, and the sheer abundance of enemies and reinforcements on each map serves to convey just how overwhelmed and outnumbered you are. For Christ's sake, how many other FE games have half of their map objectives as just: "get the hell out"? Enemy AI will capture your units if they can, and will try to escape the map with them, which, by the way, you can exploit and consider when strategising. A fantastic gameplay-story implementation of this is that losing a unit this way unlocks a gaiden chapter, of all things, offering you the chance to rescue them - albeit very late in the game. You're told very clearly that Leif should escape last, too, so if anyone gets left behind, it's probably on you.

Speaking of Leif, he's bar none probably my favourite character in the series. He's an underdog with an inferiority complex and survivor's guilt, who, against all odds, pulls through, and, as Ced puts it; "fought and bled to liberate the people of Thracia" - "a path that would have broken lesser men". That conversation between him and Ced is also probably my favourite character interaction in the series, for what it's worth. His growth as both a character and unit is unparalleled throughout the whole series, and he's given two games to show for it, and boy does he show.

Actual godgame. I don't care if most characters only have like, two lines of dialogue, the ones that do talk are so superbly written and I'm all the more grateful for the people who worked behind the recent fan translation, which I should also add is exceptionally good. Thank you, Kaga and thank you, Intelligent Systems. Thank you to the Project Exile and Lil' Manster teams. You guys rock.