Honestly having kind of a hard time actually getting used to playing the game, but the actual experience is wonderful. Every level I've played thus far has felt completely different, and each is filled with really funny moments. Not every level is exactly "fun" but there's always something to either enjoy gameplay-wise or something to laugh at. I'll drop this one for now but I'm willing to pick it up again in the future, I just need to get used to it a little.


Undoubtedly one of the best games on the Super Nintendo and one of my favorite platformers. It's kind of difficult to really find anything in this game to complain about at all. The whole thing is just a wonderful experience, and there's always something there to keep you happy.


It's honestly kind of hard to find anything to really dislike about Donkey Kong Country. I've heard it thrown around occasionally that this isn't much behind the glamour of the spritework, but that's obviously not the case once you sit down and play it. This is a very well crafted platformer. An absolute must play SNES game, and if you collect for the console like me, a must-own.


I'd always known and felt that this game was terrible but I always kind of forget just how bad it is and how poorly put together it ended up being. The camera never plays fair, never actually showing everything you need to see, often requiring you to stop moving and look around (This is supposed to be like sonic, and I know that doesn't mean running fast all the time. In sonic you never have to stop in your tracks to look in order to properly see your surroundings. You always see just enough). Bubsy also having 1 hit point on top of that is quite miserable, as you trek forward slamming yourself into enemies you couldn't react to or even expect to be here. It's kind of just a trial and error game. I'm sure with that in mind you can get fairly good at it, but would you even want to?


I honestly don't have much to say about this game. The story seems fine, though I was not very engaged with it or the lore of the world itself. Gameplay felt like Zelda but far more unpolished. All the bosses were pretty piss easy, and I could say the same about the game in general. It's really just finding where to go and what to do, and there's barely any difficulty in getting from A to B otherwise. It's not a bad game but it's not really that fun. It's just kinda ok.


This is definitely a flawed NES action game, but it's definitely "one of the classics", and it still holds up despite its design.

I think the main issue is enemy placement. There are points where you're basically required to take a hit going through doors, and others where you just get slammed by enemies who go off-screen. See, enemies stop moving when they are off-screen and only go back into motion when their entire sprite is on screen. Not moving or even being shown based on partial presence may not sound like a big deal but it significantly lowers the reaction time you are given to avoid things, especially if you're not paying a lot of attention to this kind of thing.

Besides that the only major flaws I have for this game are the lack of any sort of progress save and the strangeness of grenades, but I can easily look over those. Modern platforms have save options for Blaster Master and either way, it's easy to blast through the first couple areas in less than half an hour to get to where you were. Also, it's just really fun to play so going through the early segments over and over doesn't bother me.

As an early metroidvania, it can be shakey at times, but this game really maintains the thrill of gaining more abilities and finding new ways to use them in your progression. I really like going back to previous areas to find entry to more areas, but I think a map would have been nice, because it can still be rather easy to get lost.

I highly recommend giving this a shot. I got this one for real cheap (10 bucks) so it's real easy to come buy and well worth the cash.


Sonic Adventure is frustrating to review because the sonic story itself, what you come here to play, is incredible, yet the quality of the overall package plummets once you complete it and move on to other stories. Tails and Gamma are great gameplay-wise, but Knuckles, Amy, and Big are no fun. Knuckles can be kind of enjoyable at times, but a lot of his stages are not fun, and there are story segments that really drag it down (finding the two stones in the jungle).

The stories themselves can be pretty good. Tails and Gamma have really great character growth, and Amy has one or two great moments. Big is just kinda there, and it's laughable that they really tried to work his story into the others in a way that would make fucking froggy significant to the overall plotline.

It's that interwieving story that really ruins it for me because you spend so much time rewatching scenerios form different perspectives. This can be done well, like how in Tails' story eggman is much more intimidating because of just how frightened of a person Tails can be. Though, that's not really interacted with anywhere else in the other stories. In the other stories, it's just you seeing the same thing over again and fighting the same bosses multiple times (I fucking hate Chaos 3 that water boss sucks it's literally just waiting). I guess part of that problem is that you can't skip cutscenes.

Please play this game but only play the Sonic story because it's an easy 9/10 experience. Dip into the others if you reeeeeeally want, but I don't recommend it unless it's Tails or Gamma. Also, the music in this game is fantastic so listen to that regardless. Sadly, this game is just okay overall.

(and I'm talking about the original Dreamcast version by the way).


I really need to give this more time but for the little bit I've played it after many years, it was hard to get into.


US Saturn Release #007 - Bug!

Played on a real American Sega Saturn with the Fenrir ODE

Bug is kind of a hard game for me to rank because of how your experience can change with practice. I've played Bug a couple times recently, and I've gotten a lot better at the game, so I hardly feel frustrated with it anymore. Then again, that obviously does not remove the terrible level designs and bullshit segments. However even if I'm not getting mad at all, I'm not having lots of fun, either. It's just kind of mediocre when you get good. On the opposite end, it's horribly frustrating when played for the first time.

The most important thing for you to do is to play the Japanese version if you wish to play this game. The japanese version is much better balanced for newcomers, with Bug getting 5 lives on startup, infinite save reloads, more hit points, more checkpoints, and a better camera. That again does not obscure the level design and the terribly maintained difficulty curve, but it makes the whole thing less stressful.

Considering history, I shouldn't be too hard on Bug. This is possibly one of the first 3D platform games, and if not, at least one that came out before Super Mario 64. Standing at 3D platforming's beginnings can be difficult for development since there's not a lot of groundwork laid out for you considering what a 3D platformer should be. The developers make a lot of mistakes on that route but I can commend them for trying and succeeding in some cases. I admit, Worlds 2, 4, and 6 are pretty fun. It feels like the later in the game you get, the better the designers got at making levels (for the most part. World 5 has a lot of really frustrating segments you essentially have to memorize how to do without doing trial and error, draining your lives).

Dip into the first couple worlds on the Japanese version if you have a Fenrir or some other ODE for your Saturn (or if your computer is good enough for full speed Saturn emulation). Otherwise, I do not recommend you play this one.


I was expecting this to suck ass but there were plenty of levels that I thought were really fun. Isometric platforming in this game is indeed horrid, but there's not a lot of it. It's mostly wide open spaces to run around with floor gimmicks you need to navigate.

Some bosses can be really frustrating because you hardly know if you'll get to where you want to be in the isometric view, but it's not a deal-breaker.

I didn't play the DX release, but i recommend going for that, because this is worth your time given a couple tweaks and a break in the middle.


I've seen that this is a fighting game which has depth, it's just kind of for me to get into it. The story mode is okay I guess, but it doesn't really feel fun with so much rubber banding (then again you're granted that rubber-banding too). You should definitely play this, but don't expect the best thing ever.


US Saturn Release #006 - Worldwide Soccer: Sega International Victory Goal Edition

Played on a real American Sega Saturn with the Fenrir ODE

Again, not a sports guy. I can't comment much on sport-specific intricacies and I won't be very drawn by default. Regardless, I think this is a pretty ok game. Pretty much everything I expected to be present worked (comfortable passing and shooting, along with decent character changing). This game is really easy to jump into and learn as you play. I set the opponents to easy and picked a short game to try everything out, and I got the hang of it quickly. For Soccer fans, this is just Soccer, in a good way.

Keep in mind there's other things I haven't played with like manual goalies and possible offensive and defensive strategies / positions (I'm probably talking out of my ass here). There's whole tournament modes here you can pick at over time. This is definitely a good Soccer game to pick up if you're in the market for a soccer Saturn game. For people like me who are not as interested, it's acceptable to skip, however there's really no harm in giving it a go. It's a pretty fun game if you ease yourself into it, it's just not going to blow you away.


US Saturn Release #005 - Pebble Beach Golf Links

Played on a real American Sega Saturn with the Fenrir ODE

Not a sports guy. If you're looking at the lower score and questioning it, it's because this is not my kind of thing, not that this is a bad golf game. From the little I played today, I can confidently say that there's plenty here to get attached to if you're a big golf guy. It's also relatively inviting for beginners like myself, so it's easy to jump into.

My only major critique is that this game is very unattractive visuals-wise. I'm certain the Saturn can produce better visuals for a golf game than this. Maybe this also being a 3DO game means that they tried to directly port visuals and gameplay to the Saturn to cut down on time, but I haven't looked at 3DO footage so I don't know.

I will say, the most entertaining part was the cutscenes/FMVs. If you have an ODE or a computer that can run Saturn emulation well, I recommend grabbing a ROM of this and just watching them. It's really entertaining.

So if you're into golf, I say give it a shot. If you're like me and don't really gravitate towards sports titles often, it's reasonable to skip. My score likely will not reflect your score, so give it a go if it really interests you.


US Saturn Release #004 - Panzer Dragoon

Played on a real American Sega Saturn with the Fenrir ODE

As of writing this I have yet to beat episode 5, though I have gotten close. I'm completely new to this game so I still have some learning to do. Though, with this experience I can say confidently that this is something incredible. This is a phenomenal arcade rail shooter, feeling like an evolution of After Burner, which I enjoy a lot but have a hard time actually playing. This was more comfortable yet also equally as challenging when you get farther in.

I really commend this game for its difficulty balance. the first 3 stages are easy conistantly up the challenge, giving you more opprotunities to learn how the game works and develop your skill for the jump in difficulty with episode 4. It's tough and really disorienting at a first play, but you very quickly develop strategies, understanding when to use your single shots and when to use your lock ons. Hell, the fact that there's points to use the single shots over lock ons really shows that this is a well thought-out game.

Even though restarting an entire level can be a hassle when you get so close to the end, it really isn't that frustrating because this game is just that fun, just that thrilling to go through, and each time I go through it again I find myself performing better than the last time.

Like many of my favorite video games, Panzer Dragoon is tough but fair. With its toughness is excitement, and with failure comes a strong desire to try again. It's addictive and never a bore. This is a must-have Saturn title, definitely the launch's killer app (saying a lot against the already wonderful Daytona USA)
