This game adds sm more options than 1 for non lethal which I like, since 1 you basically could only tranq someone when they caught you, the game also feels a lot more smoother but its missing the mood of the first game, the blood flies feel a lot more underwhelming than the plague in the first game

Pretty good game overall I liked the gameplay a lot. My only real issue which is pretty universal for a lot of rpgs is that it’s long as hell. Also the visuals for the wii version at least are buns

Sacred Stones é um título super sólido da franquia para um portátil, mas carrega consigo algumas características da série desmotivantes, como um sistema baseado em armas destrutíveis com o uso, e pouca profundidade de habilidades individuais, se mantendo distante de outros jogos táticos mais focados no desenvolvimento personalização de personagens, como Tactics Ogre e Final Fantasy Tactics. Uma pena, pois o jogo acaba sendo muito basilar e mecanicamente raso.

Cool art style and gameplay, pretty good simple stealth game

Participe de batalhas estratégicas baseadas em turnos otimizadas para jogo em movimento com mapas que cabem na palma da sua mão! Lidere seu exército com controles fáceis de tocar e arrastar, incluindo a capacidade de atacar simplesmente passando um aliado sobre um inimigo (edit: I had more fun with chicken shoot than this game)

This game has inverted camera controls I can't change is there anything else I have to say

Awesome game, the voice acting is funny af the gameplay is also awesome. Only thing I dislike is the design of the level since its pretty much all backtracking.

Why am I playing weird snes games, I dont know. This game is fire emblem on crack and if the characters exploded when they die

Senator Armstrong is the best video game character ever

The greatest repeated harassment of all time

greatest current age warfare of all time

The greatest worst wii play of all time