Truly a unique game with a good story.
The game offers a lot of builds and variety of events, some with restrictions.
The collisions sucks, but it's a crime no attempted to improve and refine the formula.

I can't belive such a good game came from current sony
The MC is also very hot, and that's always a plus
Good music and good gameplay
The story is quite mediocre and thr environments are quite boring, but you'll probably be looking at something else anyway
Would be nice to have this game on PC too

The game is surprisingly decent.
It's impressive how many ideas were already present in the first game.
The eng dub is very funny and truly an experience,but overally not bad at all

I'm definitely waiting for the full release, but the demo is great

I played a lot of tekkens, so my opinion might be biased, but it feels like the most mash friendly and braindead iteration of the serie.
Also scummy practices from Scamco like adding a tekken shop 3 weeks later without telling anyone so they can re sell you the same items you had in older games, adding a battlepass or whatever that garbage is called and going after modders. Also questionable balance decisions but that's me
Shame, because the game has good basics even if I'm not a fan of heat and chip damage. I can deal with those mechanics, but doesn't mean I think they're good.
forcing everyone to play rushdown is not good game design
At least there's some single player content for the ones that care about that

Very fun game. It got the vibe and driving model right,car customization and the 2 new "areas" are pretty cool. That at the cost of a more varied ost, car list (very small) and the long stretch of the wangan,so pretty much 30% of the old map was cut

Good, but ruined by the fact that to unlock many races that gives trophies,which are needed to progress the story, are heavely dependent on weather,week of the month and day of the week. Sure you have the weather dolls but they aren't as useful as you might think.

By itself the game isn't bad, since it's just the 1st one with more stuff.
The thing is that it's wasted potential.
You have a good basis with decent power ups and skills but it all falls flat since they decided to shoehorn in an half baked rougelike.
There's around 15 arenas (you spawn in specific places) where they just throw enemies at you and once you kill enough of them you get sent to another arena in a quite abrupt way that also breaks the peace. That said, there are not enough power ups, enemies or "levels" to begin with so the game becomes stale and repetitive pretty quickly. Doesn't help the arena's layouts let you find camping spots and the game doesn't punish you for that.
It's amazing on how they made slow motion boring

It feels like a modded Everybody's golf, (also on psp), with its own spin. It's decent but I'd check it out only if I was starved for some anime golf game.
It has a story mode, which is nice.

I don't think it's bad, just not for me.
It's very unique and with a specific userbase in mind

Great game for the fans of the serie.
Story mode is short but there are challenges and free matches to do.
There are lots of unlockables tanks,colors and decals to keep you busy.
The game takes place after "GuP der Film"