Story is absymal but there’s fun to be with the game play and individual character writing is good, not their arcs but more so just their chemistry

Peak, going for platinum trophy and dlc next

Favourite story in the series and an opera of fear is my favourite level in maybe any game. Gimmick levels aren’t great tho

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The ending is really something you have to sit on. It’s a very realistic story. The mystery isn’t some big conspiracy, just a father who couldn’t protect his son. The ending is also quite realistic while yes we did escape and do our job and will probably go back to Julia, we didn’t meet Delilah. In the end Henry did what he went there to do, which was to try and live a bit outside his grief with Julia and he ultimately did.

So much better than I remember

Characters become some of the strongest and most likeable in gaming, controls are perfect, story is entertaining and the series’ style is realised and gets built upon in the next game…. And then completely stomped in in sly 4

Start of Peak

Great platforming, probably the best gimmick missions in the series, charming characters, only real problems is to do with it being sucker punches 2nd ever game

Great game as someone who thinks the uncharted trilogy is overrated but uncharted 4 is a top 10 game of all time. Fun side story and made me actually like chloe and fleshed out nadine.

First time fully playing it was last year and thought it was a fine game. This time I didn’t play it alongside other games, did side content and actually paid attention. Thought the story was great but ending was a bit rushed and the cases are pretty fucking boring. Gameplay wise, no major complaints. Combat while not as good as something like Arkham city, it’s still amazing and gunplay is great.Great game overall

This review was written before the game released

Positively fackin bussin i creamed