Such a good game for that time! Excellent for kids and super cute, I really miss playing it

The coin theme was amazing and smooth. Probably the best new super mario bros (unpopular opinion)

My favorite game for the Nintendo 3ds, 3d mario levels were something new and innovative. Super nostalgic and fun

Don’t really care for the salmon run or the single player inclusions but the multiplayer team vs team is so addictive!!!!! I could not stop playing

Maybe it’s the nostalgia but this is the best mario kart game

Relaxing, cute and addictive. I got 100 hours on this game so quickly, I really miss playing it

I would kill to experience this masterpiece for the first time again, it is true that I love the super mario franchise, but this game is the best thing I ever played

Probably the best online game ever made

I mean, the game had potencial and was pretty similar to the SIF we all knew and loved. Except the variety of cards is weak, the events are ok and the game itself does not innovate

Hahahah one of the best games ever!!!! And I am not even joking

It’s a shame this game ended its service. I don’t think I ever had so much fun with a rhythm game, besides loving the characters to death. I cried when it ended, played it for like 6 years