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Threelives earned the Replay '14 badge

3 days ago

Threelives reviewed Fate/Extra
The general story and themes of the game are well thought out and executed greatly. Every character is interesting, although due to the game's structure, many aren't as expanded upon as I'd like. Of course, I have to mention the music; it's a stellar ost! I love to listen to it as i do homework

While a good idea, the combat is not up to snuff. I appreciate the concept of learning enemies attack patterns in a strategy game but a lot of the time, it can just feel like random bullshit

Overall, I'd say this game isn't something I'd recommend to anyone, but if you're a Fate fan and want to check out a fun atmospheric game written by Nasu himself, I'd say check it out!

3 days ago

Threelives reviewed Fate/unlimited codes
I love fate!

...if only i was better at fighting games

3 days ago

Threelives reviewed Go, Diego, Go! Safari Rescue
I have replayed this game so many times. Not a good game but a great childhood memory...

3 days ago

Threelives reviewed Hades
As a fan of Greek myth, I find this game to be a joy. It has the perfect balance of gameplay and story and is endlessly replayable. I deeply appreciate the narrative between Zagreus and Hades; it's great to see such a complex parent-child relationship be portrayed in a video game.

The only thing holding it back for me is the heat system. The fact that only one person has unmodded beat the max heat is a shame; it really should be something with enough practice, every player should be able to beat

3 days ago

Threelives earned the Gamer badge

3 days ago

3 days ago

Threelives completed Minecraft
It's truly a great game! I played it all throughout my childhood. It's the perfect game for a child with a large imagination and plenty of time on their hands, and it is great with friends, too. Unfortunately, it's run its course for me. I don't know if I'll ever be able to touch the game again. Not a problem with the game just a shame!

Also Mojang should update this game more.

3 days ago

3 days ago

Threelives completed Wii Party

3 days ago

Threelives completed Wii Play

3 days ago

3 days ago

3 days ago

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