Everything in this game blends perfectly to create what I consider to be the greatest game ever made. My strange connection with this series exemplified all of the great moments in Snake Eater. This game has such great pacing that compliments the story so well. Every boss is memorable in what they represent. I thought that I would be disappointed in the ending because it took me so long to get to this game and I've been hyping it up for what feels like forever. I am happy to say that this is not the case. This game made me cry like a bitch.

this games kinda bad but I love it

I absolutely love the freedom and pacing in this game and can't wait to see what new content they'll add!

Achievement grind was surprisingly enjoyable

This game is unsurprisingly boring compared to the rest of the mgs games. It has aged pretty well though for an MSX game.

This game on the other hand absolutely bangs. It feels like the true start of MGS.

Age has slowed this game down a little bit but its still a fantastic game for its time. MGS1 is a nearly perfect start to the developing themes of the MGS series.

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I beat this game on election day 2020 which is really fitting for the themes it develops. MGS2 perfectly subverts your expectations and people are now starting to realize its genius. The hidden messages in this game are downright scary in a modern context. To see how much this game predicted about censorship and media today is truly jarring.

This game is nuts. I still don't know if that means its good but its nuts.

I am not a fan of the mission system and this game really drags on towards the end. The real ending is worth it if you want more context for MGSV but the story isn't really there anyway.

Great game for what it is but kinda feels unnecessary. It's clear that it was mostly just made to boost excitement for TPP but the amount of hidden details is really cool

This has the best gameplay of any stealth action game but the story falls off very quickly. Play this game for the fun variety of content, not for the story.