8 reviews liked by ListlessGod

Some of the best controls in any platformer backed up with seriously tight level design. Story is kinda nothing though.

$4.99 is a steal for this short yet slick, PS1-influenced animal 3D Platformer with some challenge and a decent amount of replayability. Level 4 killed me more than I’m willing to admit.

This is how you do it. Pure platforming fun, nothing more, nothing less. This is one of the shortest and sweetest platformers out there, and sparks that same feeling of childhood wonder as games like Super Mario Galaxy did for me back in the day.
While the game is simplistic in nature, it never overstays its welcome, and it finds new gimmicks to throw at you which keep you engaged and interested to see more.
The speed and momentum of the game feels just right, and if you're into playing a game multiple time, there are multiple characters to unlock and play as, all with unique abilities. We need more games like this one

Makes you feel like you are playing the best PS1 era platformer for a couple of hours

he was weird but he tried and thats all that matters, I miss him already

One of my favourite gaming experiences of the year! I don’t want to say much cause this is a game you should go into blind and just enjoy the ride. If you’re a fan of games like OneShot or Inscryption you should definitely check this out.

the protagonist is so relatable