I enjoyed this game far more than I had imagined!

It’s definitely worth playing it if you call yourself a fan of fighting games! The absurdity of the moves and sending yourself or enemies flying is awesome.

Honestly if you love tenikaichi style of fighting games, this one is peachy. It can get pretty intense with going blow to blow. It’s a game gone for most people so big sad.

At least this one has some actual effort compared to the other two ps1 DB games I’ve played today. Might like it whenever I sit down to do all the story mode.

Really average all around the board.
Didn’t like the mass shilling “Yoooo look at these sweet tooth variants!”. While the previous title was Black where it handled Sweet Tooth shilling excellently awhile this game doesn’t have much of an identity.
Some maps are very good, while others are too big for their own good.
One of those games to do an ending or two, then never look at it again.

This is doper than I expected


I get it, this title being the black sheep to the series makes sense. However black sheeps have their own charms! This has some flaws, for those who recommend to start with this game to the series is setting you up for failure.

Biggest is the game gives you TOO much money! The entire series incentive to build your AC wisely is gone when even failing a mission, using all your ammos leaves you with 20k in gain. This teaches bad habits for the player and have relearn if wanting to play any other AC titles. As for me who’s 9 games deep? I find it refreshing and comfy to just not give a care to savings.

Another flaw I have is the lack of variety in areas, you don’t know how many times you’re sent to the same base map and becomes mind numbing for doing missions after awhile. As to missions in general? A fine middle ground of neat gimmicky missions, but no missions that blown me away with surprise. Raven’s Ark trial missions are a peachy addition.

The story is eh, really forgetful and most of enjoyment narrative is the retelling to gen 1 AC missions. I found the most enjoyment being other ACs and character connections. One twist actually made me jump out of my seat in shock!

As for gameplay? Huge upgrade to any other AC title, option A gameplay is better feeling. Whole option B is better if you care for late 3rd gen pvp or like older gen controls more. What to use and combine with feels least restrictive, legs are given more “character” in motion too.

I feel this title was made to please all AC fans and turned into pleasing no one. It was stretched too thin and it’s a product of the primitive state gen 6 era of gaming was. Good game, but the start of AC title changing dramatically each entry. Thanks for reading!

Yeah I’m not gonna have the time to play this game in my life currently, but for what I’ve played. This is such a special game and was far ahead of its time.
I’m sure it would’ve blown up if released nowadays as it scratches a specific itch.

I simply don’t look forward to booting up this game anymore.

Rare moment an online game keeps me this occupied and peak suspenseful moments. You just never know what you’re gonna get each game and it can become addictive. Port Sulphur Band did excellently on the music too!

Updated: Went up a star as the newest update is really good and love the weather changing throughout the entire match. It’s banger.

This game must be trash because not even the game itself will boot up

Short review to my others, just goes to show how underwhelming this title was to the rest of the series. Everyone online and friends kept saying this is the 10/10 experience, I was really looking forward to that experience people kept saying. Felt like a beacon of hope the closer I got to the title in my marathon.

I boot up the game, play it a couple sessions, then game just up and ended. I was left confused and said out loud “that was it? Really?”

SL never made me feel blown away like every title has beforehand. I can see this is where Modern Fromsoft starts to appear with “Oh? You think you’re gonna fight 1 enemy? Where here’s TWO MORE enemies!”
It’s not creative, not engaging, there’s like 1 or 2 gimmick missions.

Just felt a fast food burger, feels nice while eating it. But you know just how disgusting it is and make you feel bad after. You know you can get a far better quality anywhere else.

I love armored core, but I’m disappointed