This is one of those games where if I have gotten it on release and paid full price for this game. This game would suck and be heavily disappointed this is the 1st 3D Guilty Gear game.
Looking at it in 2024 where the game is $4 on steam a lot. The license battles they had to face makes for the lack of characters from the series seen. Those very license battles would create another goated series, Blazblue. Xrd and Strive came out and GG is successful it’s ever been. I think this game is decent!

I love how the game as legitimate boss battles even if a few are more “woah” factor to any actual gameplay intensive. Which the gameplay I feel mix about, you can do combos and do some wild stuff. Or you can button mash and get the same results on playthroughs. Abusing the I-frames from some of the tension moves leads to some interesting set ups and dodging. As blocking and dodging/side stepping in this game is awful. It’s better to use a tension move to get out of something than to try to block something.

I love early 2000s games mood and this game is no exception. Give it a try! Campaign is a few hours long and playing the other modes with characters non playable in the story are cool.

(This game added in Valentine and she’s adorable along with the other Valentines. So the game rating gets a bonus point.)

This game was busted and sucked at the beginning where I just didn’t touched the game again till recently.
I can firmly say the game is pretty peachy now after some needed mechanic additions, move sets, and other balancing.
It’s a neutral heavy game and can straight up get got in two combos easily, like Samurai Shodown level of cut throat it can be. For beginning players, just get adjusted to the game’s core mechanics and STRONGLY recommend the mission game mode. Arc System for the most part been so informative in their tutorials where it’s just as good here if not their best.
The tower system is very cool and makes for less frustration for online sessions in comparison to other fighting games out there rn like the traditional rank ladder climbs. Kinda stinks when you’re in the groove and wanting to match up with a player again, but can’t because they or you went up a floor…
Primarily not getting the 9 or 10/10 as the narrative is just “aight” and single player content just isn’t there compared to BBCF, +R, etc.

It’s aight, highly lacks content tho.

This is the only arcade shooter I’ve played and finished it all way to be like “dang, I want to play it again!”

The shooting this game is dope and gorely like shooting an enemies face’s off but still be alive and even applied to the bosses are a neat touch.

It’s so goofy and fun, I’m glad my local arcade store got themselves a hands on it and able to enjoy such a dark clown game. Give the game a try and beat it all the way through, you won’t regret it!

An addicting experience as sure as it’s skill level friendly where, for the most, anyone has a chance to win. The character roaster is very good of having a good mix of everyone from all eras of wrestling. You’ll gonna find a handful of people you’ll love to play the very least.
Customization is nice too!
I recommend getting this game on the cheap end to just have around whenever you have company around to have some goofy fun.

There’s some charm here and there like a few cutscenes where it left me as “oh, nice.”
However the gameplay is an embarrassing, even far below quality for other mobile hack and slash games released before and present. Imagine DmC gameplay, but heavily automated and attacks feel/do no impact on enemies at all.

At the game’s core, it’s scummy with just opening the game to be hit with cutscenes on characters to buy, ads to buy x, and oh man the UI I just yuck to navigate and to stare at.
Don’t waste your time here, go play Punishing Gray Raven or Mahjong Soul or something.



DEATH ROW?!?!?!?!

It’s as aesthetic as it can get from going to the show to be made into a video game. It’s fun all around for what it has going!

The big no no of locking content behind story mode and game isn’t aimed to be sweaty in it, which has to be great factors to why the game always been dead. I definitely recommend this game if you love the show.

If you any of y’all wanna play this game with someone, hit me up on Twitter, I’ll be down to play!


This is just a wholesome fun game.
This title alone made me realize how much I love the casual genre and even pursue similar gaming experiences!
Rated E for everyone, give this game to babies, your grandma, yourself, everyone! All types of gamers will find something to love in this game. (Ignore the 10 part in E)

I don’t get the all the dislike as I’m new to the series, but this song is dope.

I enjoy this series far more than I’ve ever imagined!
I wish more games would do free downloads to try a few characters given to you, basically a fighting game demo with added steps.

I enjoyed this game far more than I had imagined!

It’s definitely worth playing it if you call yourself a fan of fighting games! The absurdity of the moves and sending yourself or enemies flying is awesome.