72 Reviews liked by Lokhart

Combate sem peso, as habilidades com espadas são ruins, gráficos feios. As falas do personagem principal são engraçadas, tirando onda com as tradições de artes marciais, mas não foram o suficiente para me manter jogando em pouco tempo.

Why? This was a cool boomer shooter. I don't want stats, I don't want rare-coloured guns... WHY?

I'm surprised I gave this game as much of a shot as I did, consider how lukewarm I was on the first game. The best I can say about 2 is how visually diverse it is, but the gameplay didn't really grab me.

The best game in the series. Highly recommend you don't play it on the Crushing difficulty, this is the toughest one yet, regardless of difficulty settings.
But hey, at least I never have to play this again on Crushing.
Sweet sweet rare trophy.

The epilogue sure went on a fair bit.

Story falters slightly and the villain is aboslute crap and it's more lightweight than the first game, but it's an enjoyable couple hours.
There's just very nice vibes you soak up while playing this. Especially when you're bumming around Harlem, meeting all the peeps and doing the missions.

Gameplay is as good as the last game, with a few new cool stuff you can do.
I liked the sidequest where we made a track out of environmental audio.
Webslinging is seemingly more fun, though that may be down to them switching the controls for air tricks around for easier use.
And yes, I played the entire game with the Spider-Verse suit equipped as soon as I unlocked it.

Neat little appetiser of a game.

Platinumed, and played the entirety of New Game+ as Undies Spidey.
We had Arkham Batman back in the day, kids today got Insomniac Spidey, and I can't tell who is more blessed.
Fun gameplay, great customisation, and the story?
Freaking phenomenal.

Spider-Man 2 bouta be this series' Arkham City all over again. I can't wait.

i loved this dlc sm and even with how short it is it has so much plot importance. i thought it was fun and getting the chance to go to the spencer estate and play as jill and chris made me feel so nostalgic for re1 and spencer's mansion.

Somehow better than the OG game

A fun little side scenario that returns to classic Resident Evil form. The puzzles and enemies are decent, but the boss fight at the end is just the same one recycled from the base game (where you already fight him twice) and not fun.

Does re5 hold up to 4? is it the best in the franchise?

Resident evil 5 is a long-anticipated sequel to RE4 bringing a new concept to Resident Evil that hadn't been in the franchise before, Co-op but does it hold up to RE4s legendary status? Maybe, I'll Explain.

Gameplay: Resident Evil 5s gameplay follows very closely to Re4 with over the shoulder action mixed with some survival horror elements. The biggest thing RE5 has to offer is the co-op feature which really changed the shape of this franchise. Now you don't have to endure these games alone you always have either a friend or an AI there to help you or get in the way. This both innovates but also hurts the game, its innovative now having a friend and honestly this Co-op is pure fun, but it definitely hurts this game too because well, the game really isn't as scary with a friend. Not to say it can’t be scary, in general I found RE5 to be a huge step down in horror from RE4 I also put this blame onto the lack of gore and dismemberment in this game plus let’s be real, it’s hard to be scared in bright and sunny Africa, that's like making Resident Evil take place on a beautiful sunny beach. I certainly think there are ways to make this work but the way that it’s done in this current version of RE5 just isn't on the same level as 4. On top of that if you don't have a friend to play with, I think it’s safe to say the Co-op Ai in this game sucks. It gets in the way and wastes ammo every chance it gets. This game also dropped the inclusion of puzzles and the "puzzles" we got in this game are really just going from point A and pulling a lever while your buddy goes to point B and pulls another lever, yeah not the best.

Graphics, Voice Acting, Music: The graphics on resident evil 5 are fantastic still to this day. The cutscenes and small details in the game are still extremely crisp. I remember being 13 and seeing RE5s trailer for the first time and thinking “wow’ this game looks just like real life” I don’t think that still of course but the game looks amazing for what it was. The music and voice acting is all well done and fits the atmosphere well. The main cast of characters are all well done and give great performances, especially this version of Wesker.

Story/ Minor Spoilers: This story Follows Chris Redfield after the events of Code veronica 10 years later working for a new anti-bioterrorism group called the BSAA. Chis works with a new partner Sheva to uncover the secrets of Africa and what Tircell and other terrorists are collaborating on. Wesker is the main villain of this game, and we see the return of Jill Valentine as well. The enemies are called Majini but are essentially Ganado's from RE4. This game leans into the action side of resident evil and even though it’s fun and has a decent story it certainly loses that horror element of the past. The DLCs and bonus modes like Mercenaries are all fantastic and will give the player lots to do, you can start with Lost in Nightmares first if you want to before you play the main game. This game, like re4 is one of the longer re titles clocking in at about 13 or so hours but you'll probably spend a lot more time than this on the game. I wouldn't say RE5 is the best of the franchise or even the best of the Plagua trilogy games (4,5 and 6) but it’s almost certainty a fan favorite and it plays smooth and balances well and for that I have to give it a 8.5/10

A flawed but fun game... regardless of how you put it: it's still a huge downgrade from 4

I see people say 4 is when they became full action and while yeah they changed a few stuff, I'd argue that it has a great balance of horror AND action meanwhile this has pieces of horror but a fuck ton of action that it felt like I was playing Black Ops more than Resident Evil (which is funny since that came out after this). There's literally segments where you have to take cover and shoot at zombies, I know 4 didn't have zombies but story wise it made since for the enemies to have weapons, meanwhile this is completely absurd

I'm mixed on the co-op stuff, on one hand it's kinda handy and has been helpful but on the other hand it gets really annoying to constantly baby the AI

The graphics are great for the time, the game-play can be pretty fun (even if the game is really short and uppercutting enemies can become hilarious), and the monsters you fight along the way are still badass

I hear 6 is more ridiculous than this and I'm honestly curious to see how, I hope it's just fun to play like this was

It's an an amazing game. 5 characters and 5 maps and I loved damn near everything In It. Handles the split protagonist situation a lot better than 4. Might just be my second favourite of the series so far, narrowly beating 3 but behind 0.

Small roster of 12 racers, 4 of which Is the Ninja Turtles, and alright courses. For the cheap price I got It I had some fun but not a racing game game I'd recommend. No voice lies for the characters Is disappointing.

Graphics are beautiful and gamepley Is smooth. Most of the updates are great apart from 1, changing the mission we all hated and making It easier, felt a bit too spoonfeeding.

The graphics are a double edged sword though, yes they're beautiful but they do take something away from the scary atmosphere that was present In the original.

I sucked complete ass at it but I loved it either way!