72 Reviews liked by Lokhart

Basically if MK11 wasn’t complete dogshit

By no means a perfect game but if im being honest, I kinda enjoyed my time with it.

The story was really interesting and I was on board until it all became a bunch of multiverse fuckery with a ton of random 3D era elements just clashed together with no thought put together, its really embarrassing. The armageddon segment was interesting to say the least but it definitely a tad bit too long, especially since they spike the AI around this time.

The gameplay is exactly the same as MK11 except for the kameo system which was alright. Regardless, I hate the slower style of gameplay this and 11 have and much prefer how it played in the games beforehand. The fatality timer is even worse here than in 11, you literally get 2 seconds to input it and seeing how awful the fatality inputs have been, its nearly impossible unless you literally do it perfectly slow in milliseconds. They also brought back test your might in interesting ways (which for some reason was excluded in 11?) and the invasion mode, which i expected to hate, did have some variation in gameplay but it seems like a slog to 100%.

The customization is still dogshit and the fact we have no krypt means we have to grind just to get different items except with different colors, remember when we used to actually get skins?

Seeing as MK11 scammed me, I don’t plan on buying the DLC (tho the characters I had fun playing with weren’t DLC unlike 11 so thats a plus) but maybe once they release kombat pack 2? who knows

If anything is to be praised, it’s the fact it increased my appreciation for the 3D era and makes me more hopeful in the future of the franchise. That is a feeling that not only did 11 give me the complete opposite of, but newer media in general.

The most realistic battle simulator I’ve ever played. I ran heroically into battle for the first and last time. My comrades and I found cover behind a rock on high ground. Several long, boring, and confusing minutes passed. No enemies were seen; just some gunfire in the distance. I peaked my head out of cover for a split second and was instantly shot down by a distant enemy. I didn’t even get to look him in the eye before he killed me. I just hope they can retrieve my body and give me a proper burial.

The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 of the Resident Evil Franchise

I could just end it there since it probably sums this game up best but no, this is literally the most underwhelmed I've been in this franchise so far. AT LEAST I heard beforehand that 5 and 6 were terrible and set my expectations low, this game is called on par with the first or surprisingly better. This was everything I was scared of the FIRST one being.

It's only 3 hours longer than the first game (because some impossible bullshit) but holy fuck it DRAGS REALLY HARD, sometimes levels are like 10 minutes while others are almost an hour long or more, the game is so disjointed and not paced right, especially when we spent time playing as a character for a few chapters even though we know they're dead.

The story of this game is absolute piss too, the only interest you could get is if you're interested in Barry and Claire but even then, this takes place between 5 and 6 and this gives 0 information regarding those games, they aren't even in the other sequels as I am typing this so really what's the point??

It has SOME good things, I like some of the puzzles and some cool enemies but jesus even the gameplay is just a worse version of RE5 (babying the AI,them taking items, etc). When you're hit, the damage on screen is incredibly distracting making it impossible to see whats going on, especially in the smoke.

And the next game I have to play is even worse!

Holds up amazingly well and Is still a brilliant game. Lack of checkpoints and limited saves add so much to building the atmosphere. Doesn't hold your hand at all which Is refreshing In an old school way for modern games.

This was always my favourite LOTR gameas a kid and replaying now Is still a tonne of fun. Gameplay can get repetitvie but you can change your team to freshen things up. Getting to fight alonside certain characters like Gandal, Aragorn etc Is hype and you get to fight all big bad guys from the Balrog up to Sauron himself. Could've done without the love triangle though.

Surprisingly not bad, considering this used to be a DS game, this is just good on its own but compared to RE6 and Operation Raccoon City, it's godly and I had plenty of fun with it. Incredibly fun for what it is although it's really short and it's only the second best I've played so far (post 4)

It's not scary or interesting to play. but Jill ass ....

Had a lot of fun but I’m conflicted on rather its better than the OG or not, it has plenty of things done better but also did stupid shit that didn’t need to be changed or removed so overall on par with the flame kid ships


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The only reason I played this was to scratch the Star Wars itch that I’ve had since Jedi: Survivor came out, needless to say… this didn’t do it for me. This is the most over-the-top, nonsensical, mindless, fanfic-type game ever made— in terms of literally everything.

The story is like if a Star Wars “fan” who knows nothing about Star Wars got to make a game for the first time, and instead of doing anything that makes even the smallest bit of sense, they chose to slam a bunch of action figures together while incorporating a few recognizable characters that don’t impact the story whatsoever. They have these moments where they tease certain characters like Yoda and Boba Fett, but then they don’t use them at all besides one cutscene each, why even bother then??? Oh right… for the trailers.

Apparently this game took nine months to make, and yeah, it really shows; the game is barely 3 hours long, with only three environments to “explore”, each being levels in which you run through hallways fighting frustrating, repetitive droid enemies that are reminiscent of all the shit tie-in superhero games that were being made at the time, with a lackluster combat system that has hardly changed since the first one. Not to mention the plethora of other issues; like annoying QTEs, drawn out boss fights (that Darth Vader one… sheesh), melodramatic writing, dull characters (who are always yelling for some reason… LIKE SHUT THE FUCK UP KOTA IM LITERALLY GOING INSANE), and an overuse of iconic SW music that feels like the creators of the game going “hEy ISn’T tHiS cOoL???”

One thing that I found really funny were the endings. If you choose the light side ending, you lock Darth Vader up which is followed by a cool little cutscene; but if you choose the dark side, you attempt to kill Vader but before you can, a cloned— invisible Starkiller kills you… this doesn’t make any fucking sense! The clone would kill Starkiller regardless of the side you choose because he was behind him anyways, this game is so fucking stupid on so many levels dude…

Not to be excessively negative though, as I did like some things! Sam Witwer is great— as he always is in any project; that “They were real to me!” line delivery was more than this game deserves. A lot of the cutscenes look pretty good for the time, and certain gameplay moments (like bringing down a ship onto Kamino) were entertaining. Lightsaber customization was good too, I like how you can change the individual colour of each one from plenty of options. But that's about it.

So yeah, this didn’t scratch my Star Wars itch. I’m still waiting for Respawn to fix Jedi: Survivor on the PS5 4 months into its release (I’m losing hope), if they don’t fix it with the next patch then I’m playing it regardless because I’m in need of a GOOD Star Wars game. (EDIT: THEY FINALLY FIXED IT WITH PATCH 7 LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO)

Playtime: 3.7 hours

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
Star Wars - Ranked
2010 - Ranked

It was pretty good until I had to face the Tyrant Bossfight with no ammo. Decided to give up because I didn't want to replay the last few hours of gameplay.

One of the worst games I have ever played in my life. As a survival horror game, the bosses are abysmal with potential of soft locking, backtracking horrendous, voice acting subpar, and whatever the plot has turned to. The only thing I like is the concept of ants for the zombies this time which was wasted here.

While this could be considered a Tier 2 game, it has no redeeming points and mostly negatives considering its pedigree. The one game that Capcom should be remaking

All the nay-sayers moan that they spent half their gametime in a closet....I don't get it. Everytime I tried to hide in one, I got found, even when the Working Joe didn't even see where I had hidden.
Perhaps it's because I played it on the hardest difficulty. Or because all of y'all are a bunch of pussies who can't handle a few spooks and the constant threat of horrific death.

Ok, that might be a bit mean, and yea, even on the easiest mode, you'll die quite often and maybe you don't feel like carrying on.
But it is doable on the hardest difficulty. It's just a lot of trial and error. A real challenge. And y'know what makes games fun? Challenge. If there's no challenge, it's a boring game.
And Isolation is sure no cakewalk.

The A.I in this bad boy, holy hell, why is this not the norm for games for today?
The aesthetic and environments are stunning. Ugh, I wanna live in this game!
The gameplay is fun, inventive and offers a lot of freedom to the player.
The sound design works so well into the fear of the Alien. The escaping steam, banging pipes, or any loud noises sound an awful lot like the Xenomorph, and it shits you up even when it's not even there with you.
And the music. The music will start popping off for no reason at times and get ya blood pumping. It's exhilirating!

The nay-sayers complain that you end up doing the same few tasks over and over again, and whilst that is somewhat true, each section of Sevastapol brings a new challenge to spruce up your sequence of events.
A big bit of criticism I've seen is that there is a big lull during the section after we've dealt with the first Alien. Whilst I did sort of miss the Xenomorph's presence, the game instead strips you of your weapons, and gives you a new android enemy type to face. A new challenge!
And after all that hutzpah, you get to wander round an Alien nest for 20 minutes! (or 45, if you're me)
After that point, I wasn't that much scared of the Aliens, I was more in fear of the goddam facehuggers. They're so fucken small and they show up without any warning, it's insane.

Yea, I don't get most of the complaints. Except for the fact that the game started to feel a bit long by the end.
Isolation is consistently fun. I cleared it in like a week because I kept thinking about wanting to explore more and conquer it all! It's such an engrossing game!

In the future, I definitely want to play this again on the easier setting just to go back and collect everything, but also take in the environment even more.
I love the vibes so much omg.

In conclusion, fuck IGN for sinking this game with their crappy review. This is top tier gourmet gaming.

Better than GTA V perhaps? Although horribly outdated mission design. So frustrating getting half way through a mission and there being no check points. having to drive half way across the map to initiate the mission again aint fun. Other than that i enjoyed the experience. 🙏