3 reviews liked by LordRaven

I hate this game. They legit repeated the same story arc in the big fuckuing vcity. this game is a chore to get through and the story arcs dont feel rewarding to get through. it's like having a wasted orgasm fuck this

"Please, I need you to bring back her soul."

When it comes to "is games art?" I think Robert Ebert is right, not in that games CAN'T be art, it is and if it isn't it will be like it or not, but that people really don't need that "It's Art" stamp of approval. Games have their own merit and you definitely don't need to be snobby about whether it is or not.

That said Shadow of the Colossus and it's sister ICO can be great examples of the Game is Art meme. It doesn't have a lot to say but it does have a lot to experience, like a reverse MGS4 kind of.

But what is a game if not fun? Don't worry the fights are EPIC you are so limited in combat it really raises the tensity of these fights. Each fight is unique and each one has a great piece of music I wish we got those 48 total, but you know I kind of like the simplicity of just 16.

Great game, beautiful music, beautiful graphics even today.


"And now I'm better at doing whatever it is Wolverine does!"

I was already into comics growing up, so this game just a treasure cove of content for a fan like me to sink in too, It also got me discovering characters like Deadpool who I now consider a big MARVEL classic.

Okay now that nostalgia over I played the HD remaster a few months back, and the game was errr fine I liked it more as a kid and it definitely had more going for it then 2 which I played when it came out then againa few months back.

Still there's a lot to do with collectibles and character specific challengers to get cool costumes each character has 4 and 2 only gave you 1 and almost all sucked shit.

Overall a fun game but not one worth replaying, but hey I had a lot of memories!
