I really thought it was gonna be a cool somewhat long VN with great characterization and interesting plot points. All I got was annoying puzzle and two-bit dialogue. I got all the achievement, so that's cool I guess

This game was hard and rough but damn did I love the dark vibes and final boss. I will never play this game again so I will cherish those memories

This game controlled horribly and I never want to experience that feeling ever again

The quick pace play of this works so well. It doesn't get in the way like Tetris 99. It controls pretty well. Sad to see not that many people play this though

Really enjoyed Geo and Omega's chapter and ost was great. Very fun unique battle system

This was my first roguelike/lite and probably the reason I don't like it that much. Cause I'm bad at it obviously but it was pretty hard to play with a controller. But it's not bad bad. I'm just bad at it therefore its bad

Plastic Man was only ever cool in this game

This game is pretty damn fun. A bit floaty and control scheme kinda awkward at certain points but I see myself playing this for a good while.

Edit: Well that was a lie. Haven't touched this since August 2022 lol

It's a good kid's game, I just wish you had the ability to skip cutscenes you've already seen.

This game looks and plays pretty badly. It's also a roguelite so that's a negative. Yeah, I'm just not a fan especially compared to other roguelites I've played

(Web Browser)

I always avoid this game for some reason. But then I decided to try it out one day and well it didn't hold my attention

Unfortunately I had played this when online was cut off but it wasn't that bad. A bit slow but I'm pretty sure that just part of the genre

Played my friend's copy of the game for a bit. Not something I would enjoy but I can tell it''s a good game. I also watched Chugga's playthrough of this game, it was pretty funny and informative

I still don't like Mario games but I remember this being fun