The story was worse and the gameplay was a slog. Its worst than Conquest and that's honestly crazy.

Game was pretty fun albeit at pain at times, the graphics are trash but it was made for the DS so that makes sense

What a weird game, but oddly fun and interesting. My favorite ones were Manaka Takane and Nene Anegasaki. I was not a fan of Rinko Kobayakawa at all.

I had this game a long time ago, I don't even know if this is the correct version. But I lost it in the park and I was so sad.

I really loved the game, it was so fun and I liked a lot of characters. But then my game save crashed right before the first final boss map and I never had the will to redo it. Maybe in the future , all I know is that it won't be as special as the first.

I really don't know how to feel about this game. The dialogue is so bad, the villains suck so much, the battle system is so lame, and the enemies on the map are a pain. The ost is great though but everything else is not.

A very fun fighting game, probably the only ever fighting game I'll be semi-decent at.

It had amazing animations and fun combat initiatives. Just wish it wasn't as long as it was and didn't have awful dialogue (at certain points) and fanservice.

The best kirby game, hands down

The second half of the story was alright

It's not bad but after replaying it a bunch I did feel like it was missing something, not sure what exactly. The story is really solid and the ost is just awesome. But the platforming always felt like an afterthought weird enough.

Not really fun even with friends

Fantastic gameplay, memorable characters, and great addition of rewind

I loved everything about this game, what a great childhood game

I really loved this game. It does so many thing right, I think it aged well personally.