15 reviews liked by Luckylynx

this series is so crummy it boggles the mind how it got so many entries. at least the ps2 ones had some scope and design convictions, but this one is an absolute slog through the same dozen or so levels again and again (but sometimes backwards!) and every time there are more than 4 things happening on the screen the fps drops to 2. automata better be the second coming of christ to be worth having to choke through all these previous entries.

(i was going to log the dlc because i played all those too but they are 6 different separate games i would have to log lol. dlc gets some extra pity points for never quite reaching the heights of mind-melting frustration that the base game does. 2 and a half stars.....................OUT OF FIVE.)

zero: boy, fighting those soldiers sure was boring! good thing i have my gang of drag-on draGOONERS on my side!

decadus: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BYq5m1RCcAACLN3.jpg

indifference isn't enough anymore i'm becoming a yoko taro hater

a seminal work in the frontier of digital pill-popping. bottles of oxy fly out of bullet riddled bodies careening off of roofs and lie nestled in every nook and cranny of the grimy tenements you slink through looking for your next fix. grandmas even offer up their expired codeine to maniac cop max payne in the hopes that it will extend his drug fueled rampage. you'll find yourself downing so many percs and vikes you'll think remedy's sophomore outing was published by the sackler family. a must play for any aspiring virtual junkie.

backloggd users can't stop getting filtered i swear

They made it for me and even I don't like it that much

Yellow-Piss filter haters should gouge their eyes out with a fork

This game is really good when you don’t have a burnout 3 fan in your ear trying to convince you that it’s shit

i know time has passed, but i think the whole debacle around purna's "feminist bitch" perk was the first time i thought "you know, maybe some people in the video game industry aren't very nice"

Eminem has been very quiet since "Who do You Voodoo" dropped