Sat down to play it for a little while with my partner, 3 and a half hours went by in the blink of an eye. The next day we sat down to play at 3pm, stopped for dinner then started playing again and stopped at 11pm. Theres something about this game that just keeps you saying one more thing before we stop. I had so much fun with this game!

can never reaaaaally complete this, but I think I've had my fun with this for the most part, I completed a bunch of seasons and really enjoyed the process, beat the majority of the main races in the game too. I'll definitely still boot it up from time to time to have a few fun races

Enjoyed it a lot for what it is, honestly could go back to it and play a lot more in future, didn't get all the way through the myrise mode yet, and GM mode is always fun to play

Everyone knows how good this game is

Fun little time waster game, love the synthwave vibes but it's pretty shallow overall, not a lot to it

Great game, didn't quite 100% because I got bored of the last few objectives, it got a bit too samey for my taste, but overall loved the experience

Really enjoyed it, played with my partner which was great. Very funny, game play was engaging. Crashed a shit load on PS4 though which was annoying

Does what it does really well! Really addicting, just one more run, one more run. I've put in close to 70 hours now

Loved the story mode, gameplay is really fun and satisfying. The amount of paid content and the fact they are spreading out the new character releases so long ruined it for me. I bought the ultimate edition for the extra characters but some won't be released for another 6 or more months, no chance I'll still be playing the game for that long. Overall, single player is great but everything else around it was gross and soured the whole experience for me