3 reviews liked by Luitenant_Gruber

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a remarkable milestone in the RPG genre, offering a rich and immersive gaming experience. The game stands out with its satisfying combat, excellent writing, and detailed world exploration. The interactions with companions are powerfully written and skillfully voiced, making each character memorable. The romance options are diverse and engaging, and the variety of choices available to the player is impressive. The gameplay is varied and challenging, with a wide range of interesting turn-based combat encounters. In essence, Baldur’s Gate 3 is an unrivaled RPG that will consume your life, uniting disparate philosophies like cinematic storytelling, unrestrained sandbox chaos, and tabletop-style role-playing.

Well, I started the game during the day one, and after 30 hours I dropped it. It's simply boring and forgettable. The planets are desert for kilometers and the POIs are all the same 2 or 3 structures. The UI is slow and badly organized. And everything is interspersed with a loading screen, to the point that flying with the ship becomes meaningless.

This is the coolest game, it's hard to not love just how much fun this is. The gameplay in this is damn near perfect: the guns all feel and sound amazing, very punchy. The way your bullets make such visible impact on enemies and the environment is mesmerizing every time. When you spray with an automatic weapon or one of the heaviest sounding shotguns ever and dust and debris fly all over the place (especially in slow motion), you'll feel like a million bucks.
The enemy AI is still somehow better than a lot of FPS games nowadays still. It's insane this came out in 2005 because it's impressive even nowadays. My only real complaint is the game just isn't really scary. Unless you think little girls with long hair are scary i guess. Besides that, It's very hard to come up with anything negative to say. Play this game, it's one of the best FPS games ever made.