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1 day

Last played

April 24, 2021

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instilling hope in the students with the final truth bullet was kino, it's just a shame that up to that point, i didn't care for most of the characters. that's probably my biggest issue with the game, it's hard to stay interested in what happens to these characters when most of them are unlikable. maybe that's more a personal issue, but it stuck out nonetheless. it also felt like a lot of time was wasted in and out of trials, information would be withheld or characters would dance around the solution to a problem when the answer is right in front of their faces. the thing that holds this game together is the aesthetic and feel of it all. it's undeniable that regardless of what goes on in the world of these games, it's interesting to take part in it all. despite my problems with this first game, i'm glad i went out of my comfort zone and tried something i may not have pursued otherwise. i'm interested to see how the future games turn out as they seem way more appealing to me.

hina is best girl by the way