They updated this game with a map and other QoL features so I added a star. It owns. Go play it if you even vaguely like 3D platformers.

I have a lot of nostalgia for Gen 1 and 2 but after that I didn't play any Pokemon games basically until Sword and Shield. It was exciting to come back to a classic Pokemon and I love knowing I still have a few more just waiting for me one day. Had a really good time playing this. I love how much personality some of the towns have and Team Magma and Aqua were fun. Overall I think it was a more memorable experience than some of the newer ones.

This game has given me some new favorite towns and Pokemon as well. Breloom is one of my new favorites and Verdanturf theme is peak.

Played on Analogue Pocket

Recently did a Hard Mode 100% run and since I didn’t write anything about this game before I am now.

What else can be said about Zero Mission? It’s one of the all time great remakes. Metroid 1 is a game I love but it was really held back by its hardware. It’s weird though because Super Metroid is already kind of a remake?

The thing that makes Zero Mission stand out and probably what most people remember is the zero suit section. It’s divisive for sure but I think it’s really neat and unexpected on a first playthrough. Especially for those who had finished the original. On repeat playthroughs it is kind of just tedious. And I can safely say on hard mode it’s just kind of bullshit. You die in like 3 hits. Getting the full suit and blasting through pirates is really empowering though.

From a Hard Mode 100% perspective I had a good time. The shinespark puzzles were fun to execute. The game is still a breeze though. Only challenge was zero suit and mecha Ridley.

Overall I love this game. It’s pretty short but sometimes all I want is some bite size Metroid.

Played on Analogue Pocket

Can’t believe how much they fit into this stupid little gameboy cart. Donkey Kong 94’ is constantly throwing new ideas at you. Not all of them are super fun or anything but they sure are there. Swimming, swinging on beams, portable ladders and floors. It’s pretty impressive.

The funnest thing this game adds is honestly just the movement. Mario can do headstands and backflips. It’s kind of got his triple jump. Really fun.

I had a good time finally playing this and it’s pretty easy overall. Except for worlds 7 and 8 which have some bullshit in them. Damn Kongs.

I forgot I played this so just adding it now.

The story was pretty forgettable but the atmosphere is great and the low poly ps1 graphics are on point. I love when fromsoft did weird, slow paced games.

The real thing this game taught me about fromsoft is that they knew how to make a character move fast in first person. They just chose to make you move that slow in Kings Field on purpose. I love it.

I finally beat Dragon's Dogma 2 and I'll start off here by saying that the drama that came with this game at launch was all bullshit and none of it mattered. It has already been forgotten. Except PC performance which I totally understand.

I'll try to be honest with myself because while I do really think DD2 is a great game, it has some glaring flaws that I couldn't ignore by the time my 80+ hours were over.

First, the combat. I seriously love it. I thought all the classes were fun in different ways and I love how messy and chaotic it can be. It's so much more weighty and "realistic" than your average action RPG. I can't explain how incredible it feels to first fight a griffin, have it soar into the sky with you on it, and bring it crashing to the ground for a kill.

However, the game is pretty lacking in enemy variety I would say. While I was still having fun fighting later in the game, the fifth dragon or the twentieth ogre did get pretty old.

The game still does the limited fast travel, which by end game opens up much more. But you still spend a lot of the time being restricted from which cities you can teleport to and from. I think this leads to an interesting dilemma for the game and it's this:

Wandering around and exploring is literally 10/10

Trying to get to a certain place to finish quests or side missions is 0/10

And this all feeds together because by about half way through the game I couldn't have cared less about the story or really any of the characters in the game. This meant that when I did try to buckle down and make some progress, I was just trying to get it over with so I could go back to exploring on my own. Then on your way to do some boring side quest, the tenth cyclops you've fought shows up and it's just like... ugh. So no matter how fun the combat is, it will get tedious when you're sent off to fight another griffin so that some idiot can sketch it or whatever. Like, who cares.

I'm just rambling now sorry, but overall I do think DD2 is great. It's just a game that shines best at the beginning. The first 40 hours were absolutely incredible. But not everyone is going to have the patience to stick it through to the end.

Not sure what to say. I’m too old to care about the drama surrounding this game. I saw a cool action game with a sexy lady a la Bayonetta and I threw money at it. Unfortunately Eve (and the rest of the cast) has the personality of a wet rag. She’s no Bayonetta or 2B for that matter.

What this game does have going for it is some seriously fun combat. When it clicks it clicks and you’ll be pulling off slick dodges and parries in the most stylish way imaginable. The animations for Eves moves are pretty incredible and it never got old doing a blink dodge and watching her slide around the enemy for some damage.
I did feel some awkwardness when facing groups of enemies sometimes and the gun play isn’t perfect. But those were pretty minor issues.

I wish the studio had been more inventive or ambitious with the world and story because man does it just feel like a Nier/Nier: Automata clone. I mean that literally. The stories and concepts are so similar that it feels almost legally actionable. I was definitely hoping for more in that department.

There’s not really much in the way of “builds” but you do get gear that leans towards different play styles. More aggressive or defensive, speed or criticals, etc. I also had fun finding new fashion to try out. It’s a good dress up game even if a lot of it tends to be unnecessarily revealing. I guess it depends how much that is gonna bother someone. shrug

Anyway it’s just a pretty solid action game with some sci fi nonsense and a pretty lady. Playing through ng+ for a platinum.

One day you’ll realize you’ve hit that age. That age where you don’t understand what young people are talking about, and the games you grew up loving have become the new retro indie style. Cool twitch streamers are playing it but you wonder if it’s the same feeling as playing Silent Hill in 1999 and you go into that school classroom and the phone on the desk rings. Your mind has been imprinted. You will literally never forget this moment. The phone rings in this game too. But it’s not the same.

I’m sure there’s more indie horror of this variety that have come out lately but this and Signalis seem to have made the biggest impact on the larger gamosphere. I rated Signalis higher than this but maybe it’s because I played it first. I’m all for indie games doing whatever but I’m not sure my brain can sustain many more games that call back to a childhood I can’t have back.

Anyways, this game is fun. I like the chunky ps1 polygons. I finished it right before they added a hard mode which the game needed because it is way too easy.

I think I committed war crimes because of a three’s company-esque mistaken identity.