2023 Stand-Out Games

My "Games of the Year" for 2022 - all of the games that came out this year and are still rattling around in by brain come December.

I haven't played this nearly as much as I've wanted to, because I haven't had the energy for focusing on a fast-paced Rhythm game, but this is so far ahead of KH:MoM in terms of quality and amount of content that it's ridiculous.
9 months later and this is still my game of the year. Impeccable atmosphere, unique mechanical twists, and niche appeal to my specific tastes, I absolutely adore it.
What can I say about this game that thousands haven't already? It's incredible, memorable, detailed, high-quality. The only reason it's not my GOTY is because Paranormasight appeals to my specific tastes so precisely.
This is a temporary entry, when Indigo Disk comes out I'll put that at the end to represent both - assuming it lives up to the promise this sets up.
I am so, so glad to see the drip-feed of great knowledge-based games continue - and it iterates on the language learning mechanic of Heavens's Vault - admittedly no one language is as detailed as that game's Ancient, but translating between languages and not having that game's other jank is a welcomed tradeoff.


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