3 reviews liked by Lunecy


Joguei esse jogo no dia de lançamento e fiquei encantado. Um RPG gratuito no estilo de BOTW. É gacha? Sim, mas tem como relevar, que mundo grande...
No início, realmente fique entretido com o conteúdo, as quests eram divertidas e conseguir personagens não parecia tão difícil assim...

Mas só era assim no começo mesmo. Com o tempo, o jogo fica MUITO repetitivo, os recursos ficam mais difíceis de conseguir por conta da quantidade que você precisa, e são raros os personagens 4 estrelas que realmente fazem alguma coisa. Os desafios são entediantes e as taxas de drop dos itens são ridículas.

A única coisa que não tenho a reclamar é a história. Parei de jogar quando terminei as quests de Inazuma, e realmente, escolheram as pessoas certas para roteirizar tudo. A história consegue prender aqueles que se interessam no tema tela, e teve bons plot twists, mesmo parte da história sendo previsível.

Mas, resumidamente, se você quer algo para passar o tempo, pode jogar, mas lembre de não gastar nenhum centavo nisso, você com certeza vai se arrepender no futuro.

Alright, my first game review. This should be interesting.

Yeah, as you can tell, I've never really been a fan of the original Pokemon games. While Pokemon Red and Blue changed the landscape of gaming forever and introduced a wonderful new IP to North America, these games have not held up very well over the years. If you compare them to the newer games, they play very poorly. I know some may view it as unfair that I'm criticizing two 25-year-old games because the new ones play a lot better, but one of the aspects I always focus on when reviewing any form of media is longevity. In other words, does it hold up well? In the case of Red and Blue, not really.

There are lots of elements of poor game design apparent in these games. For one, you have to go to the Pokemon Center in order to change boxes every time your boxes fill up. Each box can only hold up to 20 Pokemon. If a box is full, you are not notified unless you try to capture a Pokemon with a full box. This can lead to some pretty unfortunate situations. Furthermore, HMs take up an entire slot in a Pokemon's set of 4 moves. This is an issue that was not resolved for decades, by the way. However, the biggest flaw, in my opinion, is the bag size. You can only hold a very limited number of items in it and must toss certain items if you want to obtain new ones. Alternatively, you can store items in the PC box to make room for new ones, but this constant process of going to the PC just to deposit a few items can be tedious. In addition, some areas contain lots of items, so you'll have no choice but to toss some of your items in order to obtain new ones unless you make the long trek back to the Pokemon Center.

Another bad aspect of these games is the AI and programming. For example, balls tend to jiggle a set number of times repeatedly when trying to capture a particular Pokemon. This can be very annoying as it can lead to lots of expensive balls wasted. The legendary Pokemon avoiding balls can also be very annoying. The AI of most trainers in this game is atrocious. They usually make very poor decisions in battle and have very high-leveled Pokemon with horrible move-sets. This is especially apparent when fighting the Elite Four and the Champion. As a result of this, battles are much easier than they're supposed to be.

In terms of other aspects of the game, I think the music is kinda meh. It's not great, but it's not terrible either. There are some bangers, though, such as the Gym Leader battle music and the Champion battle music.

The post game is absolutely atrocious. There is absolutely nothing to do besides going to Cerulean Cave and catching Mewtwo. You can fill your PokeDex and level your caught Pokemon up, but that is the bare minimum for any post game of this franchise.

The story is practically non-existent. Throughout the whole game, you essentially just go through the region, get your gym badges, and fight the Elite Four. There are very few interesting story events throughout this "story", and they all pretty much involve Team Rocket, who are quite possibly the worst villainous team in the entire franchise. They do nothing even remotely interesting.

The region is decent. I'm not a huge fan of Kanto, especially because of how many times we've seen it over the years (I believe there are 12 whole freaking games where we go through Kanto), but it is designed pretty well, in my opinion.

Lastly, I'd say the Pokemon design is pretty good overall. There are some stinkers like Jynx, Voltorb, Electrode, Weedle, the entire Rattata line, the entire Pidgy line, etc., but there are also some huge bangers. Arcanine is actually my favorite Pokemon of all time tied with Grovyle.

Despite how much I criticized these games, I still gave them a 3/10 score because, in the end, they were a groundbreaking endeavor that required a lot of creativity and effort. The majority of the fundamental mechanics of the whole franchise were introduced in these two games, so some credit has to be attributed for that purpose.

eu platinei o jogo, só isso já diz muita coisa...
ele é gostosinho de jogar, não cansa tão rápido quanto outros do estilo e eu só não dou 5 estrelas pq a câmera é uma palhaçada em certos momentos e pq o jogo é uma cópia descarada do toy story 2 de ps1 (até o menu é idêntico)

me diverti bastante com esse jogo infantil ridículo e se eu fosse reclamar de algo BOBO seria sobre as cutscenes e filmes que você desbloqueia ao longo do jogo, pois estão fora de ordem por nenhuma razão

maneirinho, gostei, jogo bom