Can't bring my heart to play the genocide route.

This is the game that made me a gamer at the age of 3 or 4. I was so obsessed with it, made cardboard Yoshis and other characters and played with them. You could say I spent my early childhood on Yoshi's back! Yoshi will always have a special place in my heart. A game I always come back to.

Finished it once with my brother on a weekend. We bought a bunch of snacks and drinks and spent the whole time playing this game. It has its flaws but that experience with my brother made it very special to me.

This game had so much potential.
Sadly the devs rammed it into a wall and it got less fun with every update.
4 Stars because it started great until the 4th or so character and that's how I'd like to remember it by.

Despite not being a fan of the franchise the online mode (in private lobbies) is pretty fun and adventurous. The heists are fun to play with friends.
Story Mode is... eh. It has hilarious dialogues but it needs more than that to be a good game.

Very nice survival and crafting game I gladly come back to. Sometimes it requires explicit knowledge in how things work instead of aiding or explaining, so you need to google very often.

The game itself is a timeless masterpiece. But the Advance Version sure feels like a downgrade from all this added voices and such.
Never had friends to play Four Swords with. :(

Can't understand how every Advance Version of Mario feels like a downgrade.

Should be treated like a gimmick than a game. By this view it's incredibly funny and stupid, in a good way.

A nice little gadget. The games run smoothly and the easter eggs are very neat.

Really well-made device. If resting beautifully in the vitrine or re-living the classics, it makes a Zelda fan's heart jump.

Recently played it for the first time from start to finish with my brother and it's really fun!

First Game made by a friend of mine.
It's a nice little game that's inspired by other platformers like Celeste.

A neat little game for casual play. I often feel like it's more luck based than skill. Still pretty solid with a nice artstyle.

Despite having a traumatizing twist, I think it takes too long to get there. But afterwards it's a neat experience, especially when you go for the ends and easter eggs.