I love this game so much, one of my favourites in the entire franchise. I wish SEGA still kept this level of polish for future games

Personally, I think it's better than the N64 original (the original was peak too honestly), but it may be nostalgia bias because I used to play this a lot when I was a kid.

I spent like 90% of my playtime swinging around and stopping criminals on the street instead of completing the story lmao

Very cool game, I had a great time with it.

I'll never stop loving this game, been playing it for 10 years at least.

Lots of memories with this game. Wish I could go back...

My first Kirby game. It's REALLY good, I enjoyed it a lot. A bit difficult, but really fun overall.

I don't know how many times I have replayed this game, but I don't care, it's a masterpiece. Peak 2D Sonic in my opinion.

It's so good it became my whole personality for almost 2 years LMAOOO

I definitely see the vision, but the gameplay is so outdated it hurts... I hope it gets a remake soon, because I found the story to be interesting.

However I will be reading the manga when I can.

The story feels slow the first half of the game, but then it picks up and it's fucking amazing.

I loved Kuze (and especially his theme) and the relationship between Majima and Makoto. Beautiful.

Gameplay may need a bit more polish, but it's really good.

I have unironically played this fan-made remaster like more than 20 times on Android, PC and now PSVita.

Definitely the best version of the game. If the original game was already peak, this is just perfection.

Nostalgia bias because this was my first Sonic game, but I don't think it's that bad.

The gameplay can get repetitive sometimes, but this game is so awesome, and visually spectacular for the PSP. I love Zack as a protagonist and despite knowing how it would end, I cried A LOT.

Embrace your dreams.

Can't get past The Cauldron, putting it on standby for now but I will finish it later.