4 Reviews liked by MJRParsons

Never played it. Never wanna play it.

But I fucking love watching other people play, inevitably fail over and over, and rage quit.

One of the best action/platforming titles of the PS2 era. Kind of annoyed I never beat it. Was this the first game to have the wall-running mechanic? I think it might be.

Its a pretty dope game, I've got a feeling it wont have aged so well, as so many games have stolen its gameplay but done it a lot better since.

1 star? That's a bit harsh you might think. Well let me lay it out for why I honestly think this is a genuinely terrible game, and why I'm officially fucking done with Supermassive games.

So, backstory: loved Until Dawn. Had such a fucking blast with that game. And so I've played every Supermassive game since, chasing the high of that experience. At the time it felt fresh, new and fun, a cool interactive choose your own adventure horror flick. And then with each Supermassive release since then, I've been constantly disappointed, none of them have been that horrible, yet none have been great either. And they've cranked them out at a ridiculous rate, releasing a new game every year since 2015. All having the same tired mechanics, all having the same middling horror stories. Well, after playing through The Quarry, I'm fucking done man.

Firstly, the dialogue, sweet jesus the fucking dialogue. The dialogue is diabolically awful. Every line of dialogue makes me want to thrust knitting needles through my ears. And look, the voice acting is good, they actually hire good actors to say this shit. But it sounds like dialogue written by a particularly crude AI scripting program. Its so clunky, tin eared and un-natural, it instantly makes you hate EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER, because all of them sound the same, spouting the same unbearably cringe, trying way too hard dialogue.

And just to rub a big pile of salt into the wound, you cant fast forward or skip dialogue, and you cant skip any cut scene EVER. Even when you have beaten the game, they refuse to give you the option. So if you want to Plat this thing, oh boy are you in for a a god awful time, because you will have to sit through 3 FULL playthroughs, and a few partial playthroughs. Each playthrough is about 7-8 hours. Imagine sitting through a terribly written 8 hour fucking movie which cannot be sped up in any way, not once not twice, but 3 full times, and then having to do the equivalent of another full playthrough backtracking to various chapters and hoping you don't fuck up that one particular QTE, because if you do, oh shit son! You gotta quit out, reload the chapter FROM THE FUCKING START, and do it all again and hope you don't fuck up again. Some chapters are over an hour long. FUCK THIS GAME.

The characters are all annoying AI dialogue robots who you want to die ASAP. The story is a fucking lazy mess, some shit about an evil hillbilly family battling some werewolves, and these camp counsellors are stuck in the middle. This weird fucking woman who you meet after every single chapter, she spouts absolute drivel that never has any significance and is always just boring nonsense, and then she asks if you want to see some 2 second scene that is supposed to give you a hint of what not to do, but is never really helpful in any way. Her whole character doesn't make sense; is she talking to you the player, who exists in the real world? Because she is also a character in the fucking game too, so HUH? This makes no fucking sense! Its all just absolutely maddening nonsense, and some of the worse writing I've ever experienced in a video game, or any medium for that matter.

Phew, what else....ok the graphics. So the mo-cap they used has an unfortunate side effect of looking really good at one second, before looking horribly, ugly bad the next. And so we are constantly in the uncanny valley, characters facial animation and body movements constantly fluctuating between natural and disturbingly un-natural. Its REALLY off-putting, and very distracting.

Gameplay is as stale as a loaf of 8 year old bread. Since 2015's Until Dawn, there has been absolutely no innovation or attempt to mix up the basic gameplay. We get loooong ass cutscenes, then you get to control a character, you walk (no you cant run, but you can hold L1 which makes you walk only slightly faster....like what's the fucking point??!! just make us walk faster or give us a run button!!!! FUCK!!! but of course they just want to pad out the game to make it seem longer) around, finding clues, occasionally you will get n action scene where you either button mash or do a series of QTE's. just think about that. button mashing and QTE's.....this shit has been around for 20 years now and is just the laziest bullshit, most games have discarded it because its lazy ass trash.

And that's it. Exactly the same fucking gameplay, story, writing, game design, graphics, characters as very game since Until Dawn. The same boring fucking formula that they crank out year after year. And well done Supermassive, you kept me hooked on your line until now, playing every new game to see if they changed or tried to improve it in any way. And every time Im disappointed and depressed. But nah, after The Quarry, Im fucking DONE man.

Oh yeah, and the end credits are un-skippable, and cant be sped up in any way, and they go for 15 fucking minutes. Seriously dude? FUCK. THIS. GAME.

This game felt like five stars in the first three quarters for all the reasons you'd expect - the immersive atmosphere, the memorable music, the gradual unlocking of the environment to your new skills. As a 3D Zelda fan, it felt like the whole game world was a dungeon, which I loved. Samus is given the power to ignore certain limits put on other action protagonists (for example, she can walk underwater and stand right in the center of an exploding bomb), which made her feel uniquely exciting to play as. The graphics of the remaster are gorgeous, and some of the touches that I remember amazing us on release remain a delight, like raindrops on Samus' visor and the reflection of her eyes in a flash.

It was so thrilling that I ignored the aspects that I wished could have been improved. I wanted to place map markers at points of interest. The combat was surprisingly easy for me, perhaps because of the new dual-stick controls. Some of the bosses felt their age, with a lot of waiting around. At one point, I got really into role playing as Samus and busted some enemies unnecessarily out of their cages just to make sure they were destroyed, only to find they had all respawned five minutes later when the game forced me to move right back through the area, which broke immersion. These seemed minor, though, especially in an older game.

I played the entire game on the OLED Switch tablet with the backlight at max. Without any other way to adjust the brightness, some areas of the game in that first three-quarters were frustratingly dark, well before other visor options were introduced. This remaster removed the ability to light Samus' way with her beam weapon, which I sorely missed in some very dark corners. This was only a little harder to ignore.

But then came the last quarter of the game. Decisions in the final section combining platforming, enemy design, and enemy respawning conspired to make a few of final segments (including a short one placed between a save point and a boss battle) deeply unfun. Anti-fun. As I was knocked off a platform by a color-coded, duplicating enemy in an area so dark that I needed to use a visor that stripped the enemies of their color, an area I had just moments ago cleared of these enemies but now was required to backtrack through, I felt my enjoyment draining away like Samus' health in a pool of phazon.

These miseries-by-design made all those other flaws suddenly feel less minor. I've decided on four stars, but no single star count feels quite right for such extreme highs and such lows in one game.