Playing it on pc with that huge graphics mod. Truly a horror masterpiece like no other so far, yet I'm struggling to finish cause damn they upped the scary so hard I'm struggling to convince myself to get through this.

With these old fps games there's the big issues of the level design all looking samey so you're running around multiple corridors that all look the same in the hope to find a switch that'll open some door in some other place to move to the next level. This has it too but it largely feels more approachable, big fan of Brosnan as Bond and I've heard this game has a huge legacy so I decided to give it a go. I don't recommend retroarch to emulate this, there's a far better one on that Internet archive site it'll let you play this in your native resolution at 60FPS really makes a big difference cause damn if it ain't buttery smooth and just excellent to play with mouse. Never played it before and I'm genuinely enjoying it so far so I don't have nostalgia goggles on, it's worth seeking out give it an honest try with that emulator.

Aged pretty well. The atmosphere is so haunting, every second of the way I was on the edge of my seat with fear. The story is ehhhhhhh caricature like, not much going on there to really grab on and care for these characters bar a few twists that make you go "OH NO! Anyway" still great stuff.

Feels more like a test run than a actual game at points. Still it's impressive and very gripping, the revisiting of the same areas again and again should be annoying but it's pretty cool when the areas are reworked every time. Still a better system should have been implemented.

This is a game that's amazing on every front but the story. Like the combat was buffed up for the better, the platforming is more huge with a better pace, the level design is intricate and easy to get lost in but then you start looking at the story in which case you'll mostly be ????????
The early 2000s were a pretty specific phase for the youth, ubisoft being a company trying to cater to the market decided to pull a "How do you do, fellow kids?" Soooooo we got abrasive rock music, a Prince who's been listening to Linkin Park, from half naked to practically completely naked warrior princesses just so those teens could meet palm and her five sisters. The story itself is a big ol nothing sandwich, really a glorified filler arc that did nothing in the long run. Glad they went back to a bit more normality in two thrones.

There are games with good writing for a character that accompanies you, then there's this. So goddamn great! Farah I was worried would end up like most games with a male lead, just submissive dummy to the big guy but nah she held her own dropped equally funny quips and had wonderful chemistry with the Prince that I got very into. Masterfully told fairy tale that I could always replay, this and two thrones are my favourites. I pretend warrior within doesn't exist.

Worthy successor BUT the linearity here really screwed up what it could have been. Like you just know while playing it something is missing and that something was very very essential. Still almost all the issues I had with the original were fixed up here and narratively there was a greater ambition for the period piece setting. The irrelevancy of the glamorous lifestyle and the wanton disregard for your fellow people was far more intensified got me way more invested so the ending really hit like a ton of bricks.


Decided to do the Mafia games a week ago as I was reading Mario Puzo's godfather and craved some good gangster media I didn't have to read. Naturally I started with the first, now as you'd assume it's a very dated experience. The models look like they're barely talking at times and the few times they do it's like watching a robot from that weird will smith movie. The gameplay is pretty bare bones but it works I couldn't dig it cause a good 80% of the game is driving and it just doesn't feel good despite the overall atmosphere being pretty neat. Where it really shines is it's story like the only issue I had with it was the amount of references. At a certain point it just stopped being fun and went into that Ready Player One territory of NOW CLAP. Regardless of me being so harsh this is very much worth a playthrough captures a side of this one very romanticised lifestyle in all it's darkness. Phenomenal ending.