played this for about a week, geuninely fun game with friends, i know it's just a landfall gag release but similar to phasmophobia, with a little polishing could be a seriously good co-op horror game

this game is so damn good man, gonna remember it as "the game I played instead of studying for exams". while everyone will tell you the story is lacking (true), the combat is no question the best in the entire megaten series to date.
i probably won't play vengeance right away, and pick it up on steam during a sale or smt, but depending on how much they change i might come back to the base game.
to anyone looking at playing vengeance in june, id recommend doing the LAW route first if you're looking to complete all endings quick, since the miracle it gives is genuinely broken in New Game + and lets you breeze through the game. otherwise, the chaos route is the most fun (in my opinion).

not much to say, p3 (as a whole) is the greatest game of all time (opinion) and the 2nd most influential JRPG behind ff7 (fact). reload captured the original game perfectly, best remaster maybe ever


me and my gf played this, ton of fun would recommend

first ever log

not sure why but after years of installments 2k has yet to realize that most PC players do not play on laptops from 2013 and can in fact run a high-end game better than new-gen consoles