This feels much closer to the original idea the first game was trying to come up with, and while I like the original it doesn't really focus that much on the social aspect like this game does. It shows more of Nicole's sociopath nature and how it affects those around her. I enjoyed how the endings felt more like a proper ending to each of their routes compared the endings in the first. The Ari routes in particular are definitely the best written here, as it's easier to feel bad for depressed co-dependent lesbian compared to some of the other people you fuck over in the other endings.

something something ddlc but good something something cuck porn something something long live shimokura vio

All together these 4 individual "Question Arcs" work so beautifully together to help you learn not only about the characters but about the town itself. The long run time 100% is an aspect of that as well. I'm unsure if the various adaptions would be able to do the story justice if you didn't have the time to get to know these characters. I am unsure of what the "answer arcs" have in store for me, but I can't wait for what Ryukishi07 cooked up.

After spending hours sitting through various slice-of-life hijinks those final moments near/at the very end make all those hours worth it.

SBN3's writing and the voice acting really carry this as both working hand in hand make the humor land more than it would if it were purely text. I don't remember much from the 2000s as I was quite young at that point, so I always find media in that era very interesting. Despite that it's a bit depressing how certain elements were relevant back when I was in high school and even partially still now in college.

I went into this expecting it to be hilariously bad and make a dumbass review but it's just kinda meh.

You can tell Konami is self-conscious about how they handle suicide by the 5 content warnings with suicide hotline numbers that pop up frequently in just one playthrough.

BPD girlfriend simulator

I feel like I would have enjoyed my time with this game more if I had that little drum controller that replicates the drums from the arcade version. Playing on a controller doesn't have that much of an appeal on me and the motion control option is really inconsistent to be viable in anything outside easy and normal. Also, fuck the 5 dollar subscription paywall for so many of the songs

And the game of the year for "The Most Disappointing Game" goes to...