Some interesting gameplay mechanics, a bunch of neat characters and a banger soundtrack that carries the entire experience. An enjoyable little game that does not overstay its welcome.

It is a mainline Pokemon game. Do not head into this expecting anything beyond that or you are likely going to be disappointed. The things it does, it does well enough, but is it too much to ask for any kind of innovation after over two decades?

No video game is perfect, but this one is as close as it gets. Be it the incredibly well-paced story, its excellent cast of characters and their relationships, or the captivating soundtrack, The Last of Us just hits all the right buttons. I revisit it every couple of years enjoying it just as much as the first time.

Changing up the combat system to be turn based, was definitely the right decision.
Like its predecessors, Yakuza Like a Dragon is best when it embraces its own goofiness.
With that being said, Ichiban the main character overdoes it at points and just comes across as an idiot. Ultimately, I thoroughly enjoyed my 80+ hours in Yokohama and consider this installment not just the best Yakuza game to date, but one of the greatest releases of 2020.

An entertaining little 2D platformer that lets you solve some light puzzles and unlock new abilities at a solid pace along the way. Its visual presentation, atmosphere and the gameplay are all… fine. Unbound: Worlds Apart does not reinvent the wheel in any way and with a runtime of just about five hours, it ends before starting to bore you. A decent but ultimately forgettable effort.

Turns out a slightly better version of one of the best games of all time is still one of the best games of all time.