Sadly a step down from Vermintide 2. The moment to moment gameplay still feels good and the extra focus on shooting worked pretty well with some of the better gunplay I've felt in a game recently and very and fitting representations of 40k weapons, but the lack of even the loose story of vermintide 2 and the shift from set characters with established personalities to just archetypes do quite hurt it. Adding that to the rough launch and some of the less generous microtransactions and... look the game is still fun (especially if you liked vermintide's melee but wanted a somewhat more traditional focus on gunplay) but it just doesn't quite hit the highs of vermintide to me.

Great expansion to the first one. Game feels great to play, melee combat is great once you get the flow of it down, character flavor and banter are best in class for this type of game imo.

One time a friend was saying that he thought the crusader kings games sounded interesting because of the potential for silly stuff happening, and then immediately afterwards I got a notification that my current character's son was having an affair with my current character's mother.

Wow, the GBA fire emblem games really do have some of the best spritework I've ever seen. Outside of that it's a solid turn-based strategy game, probably a 3.5 but I'm bumping it on account of extreme nostalgia goggles.

it's A Bethesda Game™, but without the thing that makes Bethesda Games™ really worth playing, that being large interesting worlds that feel like actual people made them. It's a large world alright, but the vast majority of it feels empty and pointless. Just play No Man's Sky, at this point it's better in every way other than gunplay (which is marginally better here) and ship customization, although NMS has a wider variety of ship aesthetics at least.

Extremely janky and could've been much better, but delightfully charming to my particular brain funguses.