Pizza Tower by way of A Hat in Time. It's great to control and it's suuuuper addicting to go for high scores. That said this is the easiest a game lets me just waltz though collision, which is indicative of the games bugginess, preventing it from being an all time great.

This game...actually doesn't start all great but it doesn't end horribly either! The partner mechanic is really cool but the overall level design quality has reduced massively

This game starts AMAZING, but it falls into the Depths of Hell!!

This game begins so well but it falls of a fucking cliff man

This kinda has the Sonic Advance problem where the back half of the game dips in quality and the bosses are craaaaaap. That being said the lows aren't that low, the highs are high and I loooove the new chaos powers. Could've been much better though had never built for multiplayer

A mess, but its peaks are so good!

Lots of cool bonus content here but man they really gunked up the visuals. At least it's on PC so you can mod it to shit and make it looks great

Big step back from it's predecessor. There are some great moments in here like a few of the Speed and Mech levels, and I dig the game's ambition and ost.

Unfortunately, every gameplay style that had an SA1 equivalent plays worse, be it weaker controls (Speed, Mech) or borked objectives and level design (Hunter)

I also cannot get invested in the story because it's poorly animated and the sound mixing is unbearably awful

I wish I liked this game more than I do because there's a lot of good shit here. Also, I do not het the hype for the Chao Garden.

This game is not mediocre. It's either brilliant or fucking terrible, with no in-between, flip flopping regularly.

This game is fucking insane. I'd love it overall if it had less arcade BS and was longer than 15 mins. I adore the games wakadoo energy and sprite animation

A really impressive start to be honest. Great aesthetics that would define the series with an ingenious and revolutionary gameplay loop.

It's a shame that half the zones make me want to kill myself in Marble Zone

Jungle Zone sounds like a Duck Tales Song making the game better than the 16 bit version by default

It's a slightly worse playing version of Unleased with none of the medal BS. Good stuff!

Far from perfect but it does some truly amazing things with it's aesthetics, and gameplay that I can't help but love.