I was surprised at how much I enjoyed playing this game cause I originally didn't plan to play the 3D games besides the classic era. But it and 2 were on sale and said "why not". I really liked the way the story was told through the perspective of all the characters. I also think it's neat some of the old Game Gear games are unlockable. I've seen so much hate for the Bigs fishing levels, but I genuinely don't understand? They were so easy and short, even counting the B and A emblems they were easy.
The Chao while a bit tedious to get animals to upgrade their stats (tho made easier with a glitch were you can repeatedly use the same animal) were still cute and fun. I do think adding more interactivity would be nice.

(I technically played the steam port but with a mod that made it closer to the Dreamcast version so I guess I'm counting it under this)

This game was so frustrating to get through.

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Great sequel and cast! Only weird thing is how much Tadashi wanted to push for the Maya x Tatsuya ship when it makes no sense given the context from Innocent Sin.

This game was pretty enjoyable, even with a few flaws. The grabbing mechanic took a bit to get used to, every instinct telling me to jump on enemies had to be thrown out the window lol, but I mostly got it in the end. The special stages were mostly pretty easy which was surprising, except for the very last one where grabbing onto the next walls felt a little random and out of my control. I also really liked that Ristar has different idle animations on each planet.
Honestly a little sad it never got a sequel, would have been interesting to see how they refined it.

Maybe nostalgia speaking because this was the first game I vividly remember playing but I love the idea of exploring the non-battling side of the universe and protecting pokemon and the natural environment.

I had a more enjoyable time with this one compared to the first one but I think I preferred the special stages of 1 better. Tails makes the last couple hard to do but I managed somehow.

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Honestly enjoyed the game play more then Heroes. While I don't think it was executed as good as it could have been I do like the idea of the morality system. Especially at this point Shadow being a blank slate without his memories and the implications the aliens are controlling him to an extent. That being said tho having to start from the beginning (at minimum 10 times) is a bit tedious and I wish you could choose the level from the flowchart after you've unlocked it to do the other paths. True Neutral path is very nonsensical, Eggman lies and says Shadow is an android (a very easy thing to disprove too), Shadow says "me an android, I don't believe you", and then in the cutscene after he's laughing and has completely accepted hes and android? And then in that ending he either wants to take over the world with the android army alone or with Omega, and like WHAT? Where did that even come from?? And Omega just goes alone with the idea? Saving the world from the aliens or joining forces with the aliens to take over make sense since those are the 2 main conflicting factions, but where does Shadow get the idea for an android uprising? Is he going to take out both humanity and the aliens? I wish there was a definitive canon path that leads to the Final Story. Elements of various paths are referenced in the Final Story but it's not possible to get those in a single playthrough, and in some Sonic or Eggman die which for obvious reasons can't lead to the Final Story lol.
Anyways I also wish enemies you're aligned with didn't attack you. GUN agents always attacking you makes sense since the commander just hates Shadow, but if you're doing Eggman or the aliens missions I don't think they should attack you.

Way better then Ep1 but also so short, but I guess that may be for its benefit.

I think this improved on every aspect from the previous games. The special stages were also the best ones they've had so far, not too easy but also not frustratingly hard.

PQ had flaws but overall a nice game that actually played with some deep lore things. PQ2 just like 5 takes all the flaws the previous game had an made them worse. Adding yet another full cast (and a terrible one at that) was never going to work when one of the issues with the first game was juggling 2 casts of characters (which the writer of PQ has admit she struggled with when she was writing the game)

It was ok, the new mechanics were interesting but a few were frustrating to get use to. Honestly feel like the first 8bit game was a little better, and kinda wish this had special levels like that one did (even if they weren't really of consequence since the Chaos Emeralds are hidden in normal stages)
Tails also didn't die!

Mania Mode: I think this is a very good anniversary game that celebrates the Classic era and not just the main games but the 8bit ones too. But I'm not sure I would say it works as a successor to Sonic 3&K, since half of it is remastered stages from previous games. But never the less still a great reintroduction of the Classic era, and I hope to see more original games in this style in the future.

Knuckles: I don't think this lived up to his playthrough in S&K, since it's almost exactly the same as Sonic/Tails with a different intro and like 2 different bosses, rather then the full sequel 3&K was to the main playthrough. That being said tho the changes were neat to see and tbh I kinda wish the other characters like Tails going forward get playthroughs like this with some differences and bosses. Kinda sucks you can only do the true final boss as Knuckles in & Knuckles Mode which can only be done in No Save, but maybe I'll attempt that one day.

Encore Mode: Honestly I wasn't sure about this mode when I first started, it's suppose to be a sequel but other then the intro and ending it doesn't really present that way, the rest of the bosses and cutscenes are exactly the same. With Knuckles playthrough in 3&K even tho most of the bosses were the same at least they had the little detail that you are fighting a robot Eggman to show it took place after. That being said, as I played more of it I really grew to like the remixed stages and character switch mechanic. It really feels like this is how the multiple characters should have been handled in Chaotix. I do think it was a missed opportunity to collect the Super Emeralds instead of the normal Chaos Emeralds again.

A lot easier and shorter then normal Sonic 1.