just builds on the original. Always a blast

gba version is surprisingly fun

Terrible shovelware. Only reason it's not lower is because I had fun with it when I was 10 and only had like 2 gba games

i have no idea what the helle is happening yugi

decent pokemon clone for when you have no internet. Has very little depth to it outside of grinding and fusing. Humor gets stale fast since there's maybe 5 voice lines in the game.

"There is nothing we can do"
Je me noie dans la vague de ton regard amoureux
Je ne veux que ton âme divaguant sur ma peau
Une fleur, une femme dans ton cœur, Roméo

the most iconic flash game ever. Shows it's age but hard to not rate it highly

hey lois remember when we were on backloggd

bit of a step down honestly. The voice acting is the only "good" upgrade. Play the GBA one

actually a really good way to experience mid 2000's Yu-Gi-Oh. The computer cheats so much though

actually good yugioh game with weird mechanics

decent concept, terrible episode