Log Status






Time Played

6h 12m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 23, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


i honestly belive that F.E.A.R 2 is a little overhated, i mean, sure it is inferior to the first game, but you still have a solid gunplay and competent horror aspects, HOWEVER

It's completely understandable why people hate this sequence, devs scarificed core gameplay mechanics from the first game in detriment of following a Cod like shooter, no more lean mechanics, health points is no more, A.I is extremely weak compared to the first game, and we a got an ending that is completely ????????????? Still, gunplay is good, level design is fine and besides 1 or 2 short dumb sections i got no major problems, also, it is a very short game, no more than 6h he campaign.

If you like shooters is defently worth it.