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4 days ago

MakaiPhantom reviewed Mega Man X
I played the crap out of the first 4 games in the series growing up and just replayed this again. This game is still great and one of the best action platformers out there.

This is the classic Mega Man format cranked up to 11. Who knew adding a dash and wall jump (among other additions) would take Mega Man (and platforming) to a whole new level.

The soundtrack in this game is amazing, all the bosses are challenging but fair and the pixel art is top notch.

There are plenty of hidden upgrades and multiple ways to approach getting them or beating the bosses. Also an interesting and cool addition is how some of the stages change after beating certain bosses.

If you had a Super Nintendo growing up or if you're looking to play a classic this was and still is a must play.

8 days ago

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