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Demi backloggd Killer Bean

14 hrs ago

14 hrs ago

Demi reviewed Blasteroids
Not a mega asteroids fan but I saw this and it looked cool so I had to try it.

I may have actually played this on a computer or something because the ship transformation thing here is super familiar honestly (your ship can transform into defense, shoot, and speed almost like idk Deoxys lol).

I did not expect this game to have a level select also which kind of felt nice but also a bit strange for a pure asteroid experience but still pretty neat.

The knob at my arcade was so bad also lmao

16 hrs ago

16 hrs ago

Demi followed Ephemeris

2 days ago

2 days ago

straylight commented on BigGnome's review of Final Fantasy XV
every single analysis of this game as a meditation on the idea of "you don't know you're in the good old days until they're over" falls apart when you consider that not only can you go back to the past at any time but that there's a lot of capital-c Content you can ONLY access by travelling back in time and/or in the chapter xv postgame. it's such a glaring hole in the idea that there was any intent whatsoever in that reading that i'm shocked you're the only other person i've seen bring it up besides me lol

4 days ago

Demi backloggd Crow Country

4 days ago

Demi reviewed The House of the Dead 2
I know I basically wrote a whole essay about this game, but this is the review where I just come back and say it, this is the best House of the Dead game (I have yet to play 3 but we’ll see I guess).

Every change made from 1 absolutely feels perfect.

4 days ago

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