I love this game for what it is and I will not elaborate.

I only played Golden Deer and Claude is my little meow meow i love him dearly. The rest of the house is cool too i love them all (maybe not Lorenz)

The more I think about this game the more I realize I barely care about it? It just doesnt do anything for me

Both characters and story alike go from comically bad to plainly painful. Gameplay was surprisingly pretty good, but I just dont give a shit so Im probably never picking this up again.

It's very RGG, in a similar way to Yakuza 5 but back to the solo Kiryu formula that is somewhat reminiscent of Y3, if it was good. The missing elements of Kamurocho (speaking of what the fuck was the point of Kamurocho Hills if theyre not even relevant in this game?), and just overall lack of content feel oddly unyakuza-like. I liked the experience, on one hand due to its tightness, yet I cant help but wonder how much more I would like it if it was just a tad bigger. Kiwami 3 will be great.

This is by far the most yakuza a yakuza game has ever been. RGG have perfected their RGGness even with its inherent flaws, and I love it so fucking much.