Not games

Nothing here!

There are way too many of this to add them all
There's a bunch of these toys to life sets on the site listed as DLC
The whole series
They are music creation software
There are also A LOT of these umm softcore video/photo collection (especially on the saturn) so this represents them all
Stand in for all of the series
Can you consider rpg maker itself a game?


1 month ago

i think this counts, its basically just an e-book app for the ds

1 month ago

@putaslayer added
That name is very straightforward lol

1 month ago

Play-Yan (Media Player Software)
Mario Calculator
Learn Geography
Fish Life (Sega Fishtank Simulation)

1 month ago

@raccoons4444 Learn Geography seems like an educational game
added the rest

1 month ago

@fror huh I thought I had already added the first one. Looks like it's duplicated.
Added both

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