Very grindy as hell, but it has my favorite atmosphere, gameplay, and side missions out of the other borderland games so far.

If I had a nickel for every time Lloyd bannings said the word “barrier,” I’d have my own house, afford health care, and a cute dog.

Xenoblade 3 FR made me appreciate the trilogy and series a whole lot of more. Matthew is an awesome character too.

I’m…..speechless. This game made me glad I’ve stuck around the series for a long time, and I’ll continue to follow in Monolith Soft’s next masterpiece.

Hella fun with friends when they’re not playing van simulator.

Go play Awakening or something please don't play this.

My cousins made me download this. I kid you not, the person playing as a tree with the VR headset has to prevent different classes of squirrels that can maneuver and fortnite build there way into stealing acorns.

Definitely a game I'd recommend to those who enjoy diverse puzzles and thrilling combat. The game's ost is spot on and for a switch game, the environments and cut scenes are clean. If they plan for a sequel, I'd play it.

I had high hopes after completing ZX which was definitely one of my favorite megaman games, but this was alright.

Love these two games and the added content! This series, shovel knight, and Megaman will always remind me how much I still enjoy fast paced 2-D plat-formers.

Overwatch is hands down one of my favorite first-person shooter games of all time. The amount of time and effort I put into this game with friends and alone we’re non-stop fun and worth revisiting constantly. Compared to most video game characters, I feel an emotional attachment to every single one because of their dialogue, gameplay, and what the community main themselves. This has become my most played game ever ranging around almost 3,000 hours on 3 different accounts in total and I’ll probably be doing the same for the sequel on my free time.

I’m surprised many didn’t like the beginning of this arc, after the other two. It felt like after the same game engine for five games, it was nice to transition to a more modern 3rd person view with enhanced gameplay mechanics and dungeons. I liked the cast and the world of Erebonia a lot too and the bits in each chapter where the characters have to learn to trust each other and solve their personal issues, something I think the crossbell arc lacked with its characters besides the main four, but even then some of them don’t fully develop until Azure like Randy for example. The games pacing is alright since it’s the first game in the arc. Just like FC, the plot really kicks in until the very end and encourages you to play the next game to see what happens and I jumped straight to cold steel II right after. Rean is a cool character and is distant about his own feelings, but man my only issue is his awful hair style, guy needs a haircut.

I've played a lot of good plat-formers through out the years, but man when I heard about this game I wanted to play it. Fast paced action, music, and dialogue immediately made this game one of my favorites.

When your L of a company gets their ass kicked by Paladins for canceling the Overwatch 2 campaign💀!

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My god the music and setting in this game. The idea of Gunvolt taking on a "what if" story to give the spot light to Copen is just genius.